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 #160729  by Lord Rikan
Hey so quick question, if a player who has melee and is force pulling me to him and I kill him with a saber attack, is it considered a lame because he had melee up?
 #160730  by Rogue
Hello Rikan! If the person pull out the fist or I should say melee out. It is the same as saber out so it is definitely armed. However, you cannot use fist against toward unarmed people that have lightsaber turned off and that means they're no longer in fist mode. I hope this answer help you.
 #160732  by Falcon
If this is on KR - anyone with force powers (empowered) is armed, regardless as to whether they have saber up or not. The trade off there is you are more powerful than your average player, but you assume and know the risks of being more powerful!
 #160733  by Lord Rikan
1) Thank Goodness I still remember the rules
2) I was playing on MB2 on a duel server by Cult. I had been dueling with some guys for 10min with no problem until a CULT admin force pushed me then force pulled me twice and he had fists out. Because of the KR rules I remembered I slashed him with my saber thus killing him.
He then said "you lamed me and you know what's worse than that...admin abuse" and muted me for 10min while he and his friends lamed me (with saber down so it wasn't on, showcasing I wanted to duel).
Ten mins pass and I explain to them that what I did wasn't infact a lame and he kept mocking me and insulting me along with his peers.
Literally bullying me and throwing shade at KR. They proceed to lame me 12 times.
In the meantime I kept saying to them that we could talk about this civilly without behaving like utter assholes but, of course, they refused and kept insulting me.
I even decided to apologize saying that I was taking full responsibility of my actions in the case that I had forgotten the rules AND in order to start from scratch. But they refused and kept mocking me, saying that theyd even follow me to every server id go to (MB2 & Vanilla) if they wanted to.
I know its just a game and I should take it with ease and I do...but I'd lie if I didn't feel sad and frustrated about this bullying scenario.
3) if I was indeed mistaken they could've tackled this situation with integrity and intelligence but they opted for immaturity and stupidity.
4) Am I wrong or are the people from CULT those that often lame when on our server? Aren't they the ones always trying to behave like assholes on KR?
5) Sorry for the long ass post
 #160734  by Rogue
Ah I must be misunderstanding when you mentioned force power. But ya, force power is armed, because it have a forces.
 #160735  by John
Oh well, mb crowd, lol. Keep in mind rules differ from server to server.
 #160738  by Lord Rikan
John wrote:Oh well, mb crowd, lol. Keep in mind rules differ from server to server.
I am fully aware of that and I said that but they actually told me to F OFF!! They dint wabt to listen to me. Oh well.
 #160751  by Mike
Bring them to KR and I can staff kick them until they RQ
 #160763  by Lord Rikan
Anyways thank you guys for the support. It means a lot as it reminds me of why I joined KR in the first place. You are willing to accept debates and discussions with integrity without behaving like jerks....unlike those cult bastards.