If you've decided to leave KR, let it be known here!
 #158304  by Aventador
I just received an email earlier saying that I was put on the inactive list. KR has done so much for me over the years and I have to at least say a proper goodbye. I still continue to talk to and play games with friends I have made from this clan to this day. My experience will never be forgotten and KR will always be close to my heart.
You never really leave a place or person you love, part of them you take with you ,leaving a part of yourself behind.
God Bless

P.S. I will be playing the new battlefront when it comes out so hit me up if there's a group from KR that is going to play :)
 #158305  by Sakito
Take care and I hope everything is going good for you in the near future =^_^=
You'll always be loved in KR <3
We Love you Aven!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3 XD
 #158306  by Rogue
Sad to see you go, Aventador. Take care and we really miss you so much :)
 #158307  by Falcon
Hey Aven,

Being put on the inactive list just means you're not on our active roster. We're not forcing you to leave the clan. If you want to leave, that's your choice of course and I won't stop you, but you're still welcome to stay :)

If you want to leave, I wish you the best in life. You are an awesome person and will be missed!
 #158308  by Aventador
Rogue wrote:Sad to see you go, Aventador. Take care and we really miss you so much :)
Sakito Sho-Ryu-Ken wrote:Aven!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Take care and I hope everything is going good for you in the near future =^_^=
You'll always be loved in KR <3
We Love you Aven!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3 XD
Falcon wrote:Hey Aven,

Being put on the inactive list just means you're not on our active roster. We're not forcing you to leave the clan. If you want to leave, that's your choice of course and I won't stop you, but you're still welcome to stay :)

If you want to leave, I wish you the best in life. You are an awesome person and will be missed!
Oh no it's okay haha. I haven't really been active for 2ish years. Just popped on every now and then until I got a new pc and had no idea where the disks were. Thank you and best of luck to you and to the clan :)
 #158312  by MasterM
Really gonna miss you Aven, stop by and say hi every now and then if you can.

Best of luck!
 #158321  by John
Sad to see you go 'tador. You were always fun to hang out with. Hope you visit often!
 #158322  by Ted
Goodbye Aven, take care!
 #158326  by R4gnar
I didn't see you much, Aven, but I wish you the best of luck in your future!
 #158327  by Squidlord
Sad to see you go mate, but best of luck, and enjoy yourself! :)
 #158330  by Jammer
:( Goodbye my #1 Paddy. Thank you for allowing me to break (I mean train you), and I wish you the best of luck in life. <3

P.S. Don't think this means your system isn't still jammed, that's a permanent state for you! :twisted:
 #158337  by g0dchris
Sad to hear that, but i wish you a pretty future! ( :

Hope to see you on the server again!
 #158357  by EvilTree
Aww, I'll miss your awesomeness Aven. Come back sometime to say hello!
 #158361  by Aventador
Thank you all! Btw if you want to add me on steam just search AVentingDoor. I should be the only one.
 #158367  by Uscari
I still don't understand why you are leaving, as Fal said you are by no means required to, and it doesn't seem like you want to separate yourself from us, so I'm just a little confused.

Regardless, I wish you the best and will certainly miss you!
 #158378  by Jawa
You were both simutaneously my best and worst master I won't forget the relationship we started when I first joined KR stay in touch nub <3
 #158386  by Key
my heart exploded when i read the thread title and author ;_; rip ave, my favorite vehicle-shaped KR member
 #158668  by Sam
Goodbye mate hope we see you around sometime :)
 #158673  by g0dchris
Oh no, Aventador.....we will miss you so much. : (

Hope you jump in from time to time!
Wish you all the best!
 #158701  by Syzyx
Please just get JA thru steam, then come play again!
I'll pay! (can you even do that? buy a game for another member of steam?)
 #159256  by Kenjiro
If I remember correctly it was you that invited me to KR, thank you for that. If you somehow find the disks for the, don’t be a stranger, stop by.
 #159696  by Wolferion
Take good care, Aven =) It was nice having you around. Enjoy the new game! I'll hope that the life will treat you well.