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 #15512  by Darko
Hey guys its this time of year again!

Hime and my Birthdays!

Im 16 and i wont say Himes age incase she doesnt want it to be known XD

W00t Prezzies!

 #15514  by Starcomand
happy birthday time for the bumps or slaps or slays :twisted:

 #15515  by Kakashi.Archive
happy bday you two...^^

 #15517  by TYR
happy birthday :D

 #15520  by Kenshin
Happy Birthdayyzzz

 #15522  by Soulreaper
happy birthday u guys have fun

 #15527  by saunby
happy birthdays :D

 #15533  by Wanderer
happy b day guys

 #15534  by Sparky

 #15539  by Phoenix
Happy Birthday :) Sorry its a bit late.

 #15682  by Wolferion
I am sorry for the late post... Happy Birthday =D Hope you enjoyed this day as good as you could :D

 #15776  by Kane
Hip Hip Happy Birthday to you both!

 #15814  by Soulreaper
u kno i would ask but im kinda afraid kane 0.o

 #15906  by Kane
Afraid of what? :S