Got a problem with our admins? Please feel free to express here!
 #156400  by Nuke
Hello. So I went to log in this morning, and out of unfortunate coincidence I'm thinking I used an alias similar to someone who has caused trouble? Many many many.. many years I ago I used a name 'PadaThree³.
Just this morning I was going to use it, and was banned instantly. I assure you if that name was used previously by a not-so-polite player, it was not me. I enjoy this game. I would never ever do anything to hinder my capability of playing on KR.

Hoping to resolve this, thanks

 #156401  by Yama
 #156402  by jawfin
Wow odd. That rule should have never fired - I don't know what's up with that. Anyway, lifted. Sorry about that mate. I'll look into it ... tomorrow, as its just gone 1 am for me >.<