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 #155810  by ManBeast.
I have multiple videos of a player by the name of 'Rafael' who has been using your KR tags and non stop laming and flipkicking players. Multiple times yesterday Rogue silenced and slept him, which he disconnected and reconnected to avoid punishment so Rogue extended his punishment each time. He's a menace and he needs to be banned, players like this shouldn't be tolerated.
I have the videos ready to share just not sure how to put them in this post but I have VLC on my pc.
 #155814  by jawfin
Putting the tags on alone are enough. Banned. Note, this wasn't the first time he's done that, nor the first time he's been kicked - but tagging up means we don't need to provide warnings of bans, we can just act.
 #155815  by ManBeast.
Oath m8. Cheers matey. It was fun to begin with but once he recognised he couldn't beat me in a fair fight he would just run away when he lost enough hp to lose or he'd chatshield. No fun after that point, at least Albert puts up a proper fight :P
 #155816  by jawfin
I've encountered him, and I suspect by his behaviour and conversation he's like 15 years old if that - so we cut some slack as we hope they can yet learn. But as I could train a dog quicker we tolerate only so much!
 #155817  by ManBeast.
He just came on but got kicked once he entered the game. Although Flippy just got on (who's also a fanner with a similar ping from a latino country that Raf was saying he was from when punished by Rogue. Might wanna check his IP and see if it's him somehow getting round the ban
 #155819  by ManBeast.
Its not flippy, but he just returned under the name 'Razor'. He's got the same skin, saber etc but is going by said name.
 #155836  by Syzyx
I was a witness to both flippy and Rafael laming, chat spamming, and trolling.

Raf's duel running reminded me of jimmy borg.

Be sure to EDIT your videos with Windows Movie Maker or some other app, and post the important events, don't be nubbish and post the raw footage which means wasting other peoples time . (uncool)
(Include some awesome heavy metal soundtrack for bonus points!) :D

VLC -------> Go to: Convert/Save and pick a video size and format, that will make your videos small enough to upload to a (hopefully AD free) video sharing website.

http://www.toptenreviews.com/services/a ... es-review/

Post the link to these epic masterpieces of in-game videography in your message/post.

I hope to see you on our server and have some awesome duels, May the Force be With You!
 #155842  by Clank
Since the person has been banned I think the topic reached its end

Topic locked~