Got a problem with our admins? Please feel free to express here!
 #155586  by Caturday
Hey guys! It's me caturday I was kicked and banned... I think 2 days ago? Not sure why since I haven't played in months and wasn't banned before.. I did get verizon fios installed in my home and my ip address has changed... could that be the reason why I was auto kicked or banned?

Anyway hope you all are doing well,

 #155595  by Caturday
Hello, I checked again today and still banned. After reading from other people how they got banned automatically as well... I assume the server banned me because I am using a new ip address now. I'm looking to become more active playing JKA again. Anyway, I hope for a response from the admins soon.

Take care,
 #155596  by Falcon
Unfortunately you caught us at a bad time. The only one that can undo the rule that banned you is currently away for a few days. Sorry, you'll have to wait.