Show off your sexy skins and models here!

Moderator: Key

 #154554  by ISHNARE
You can have my skin... >.<
 #154559  by Frog
Nice skin Kitty :)
 #154643  by ISHNARE
hey i know yousah work on it but mesa no like seein it sad face :->
 #154644  by Frog
This is way too spooky for me :(
 #154645  by Samantha Crow

It's a scare crow or will be if i can ever get the hair and purple part of the face paint to RGB.
It's also a nod to my former name 'Samantha Crow. and a younger me.
it's a work in progress up dating as i go.

PS. If you read this john i am working on the jedi human female ofc if you can help with the shaders be great full don't know how i would repay you
 #154674  by Samantha Crow
Change log
better logo full rgb
face paint full rgb (white paint has a color glow)
suit recolor
does not mod jedi_hf anymore is its own skin in the jaden menu
7.3 MB <-----sorry for the size have not cut it down or made veraints yet :(

Image <-----'Samantha Crow.!okUhnRIJ!rE8olKerbJjI ... x9Ke5ezx3Q <-----Download use gray button
 #154856  by Key
I'll just lock it for you :)