I'm going to need to try and get one of your uppers to help me out here. I was meant to take this like over 2 months ago or something.. Would it be possible to get somebody to help me out around the 15th of April? As i realise I'm just sitting around waiting when I should be actively looking for Arb's and above to help.
Should be a relatively quick trial if I'm honest.. (yes I'm stoking my own ego)
Help a girl out
I'm going to need to try and get one of your uppers to help me out here. I was meant to take this like over 2 months ago or something.. Would it be possible to get somebody to help me out around the 15th of April? As i realise I'm just sitting around waiting when I should be actively looking for Arb's and above to help.
Should be a relatively quick trial if I'm honest.. (yes I'm stoking my own ego)
Help a girl out