Anything you wanna add to this crazy world? Put in here!
 #14966  by Darfin
0.0 ------------>
You know...if things keep going like the way they are now...some time in the distant future were gonna all wind up like the Borg.

 #14967  by Soulreaper
dude man thats pretty koo

 #14971  by Harvo
Thats tight, I want one for the buisness i'll start up in 5 years :(

 #15016  by Grimm
holy crap.....thats like seemless virtual and physical connections....

 #15113  by Chantelle
I seen that, wasnt sure what I thought of it tbh,,

I also seen like massive monitors and TVs which are hung on the wall, when switched off they are a mirror.

 #15168  by Harvo
Chantelle wrote:I seen that, wasnt sure what I thought of it tbh,,

I also seen like massive monitors and TVs which are hung on the wall, when switched off they are a mirror.
Ive seen that, long time ago. Doesn't seem as wow as surface.

 #15176  by Chantelle
But Surface is a bit.. impractical still...

I am totally not convinced. added value by consolidating it into futniture doesnt convince me as its added value overprices what would be normally something of a novelty.

 #15215  by Harvo
Thats why you buy both the mirrors, and the table. And the stero chair, and Clap on clap off lights/power. your all set for the future =D

 #15248  by Grimm
Chantelle wrote:But Surface is a bit.. impractical still...

I am totally not convinced. added value by consolidating it into futniture doesnt convince me as its added value overprices what would be normally something of a novelty.
u have a great point, but doesnt subtract from its coolness, just its usefulness lol

 #15260  by Chantelle
Yeah so its like an iPhone :p... expensive kit but people will buy it anyway because they think its cool when they can get a very very decent mobile phone for free!!

 #15263  by Starcomand
Chantelle wrote:when they can get a very very decent mobile phone for free!!

want to send me one im going to need a new phone soon lol (must have blue tooth) lol

 #15333  by Chantelle
just get a new contract you'll get one.

 #15367  by Starcomand
i wont get contract phones i use pay as u go a lot cheeper lol

 #15378  by Chantelle
cheaper? .. I guess it depends on your use..

If its for emergencies then yeah. otherwise you can get a brand new phone and pretty much £25 a month tarrif which shoudl cover alot . I never spend over mine and I use it all the time...

Therefore spendind like £300+ on an iPhone would be a waste then? lol

 #15382  by Starcomand
lol i use home phone more its more for when im out and also mainly incoming calls lol

 #15387  by Chantelle
lol It makes sense then! :p