List of grievances
1. Rogue had an encounter with Ghost of JK3 Past with the usage of the word "nagger", as in, person who nags. Rogue insisted the word was inappropriate, and silenced Ghost of JK3 Past for using it. I argued against Rogue's decision, saying that the word used in its context bears no inappropriateness whatsoever, and that if action is taken against usage of this word simply for looking like another word, it creates a slippery slope where we can punish based on something "almost" breaking a rule. Dangerous precedent, and I argued against KR for that.
2. R4gnar is the source of my spiciest interactions. I have repeatedly witnessed him being less than friendly to the common player. When I see this happening, I point it out to R4gnar and state that he is being a nasty person. We have gotten into a couple of arguments over public chat because of this, but I was never told to drop the conversation, and it never crossed over into flaming over inappropriate remarks. It was my judgment of his character.
3. Suggested that JAWA should dismantle their alliance with KR, as KR steals all their potential traffic and is consistently the most populated server.
4. Madon mistakenly identified me as S, Satan of Lava World and claimed I consistently lamed him.
These are the "negative" interactions I can recall. If you can direct me to a specific complaint of a KR member/normal player, I would be happy to acknowledge how I was wrong in that situation. I don't have any beef with normal players besides: (1) A not-serious joke of a feud with THC Melinko, (2) When Divine Cain connects I start ragging on the gameplay of base and how JA+ is superior. I don't think "complaints" in general compose a decent reason to ban me. I play a lot on this server, and granted, some people will inevitably dislike me even if I am not breaking rules or causing chaos. That's how human interactions work.
I have made many friends on this server. The overwhelming majority of normal players enjoy my presence on this server (vice versa as well). I have given tips to people on how to fight with their sabers/melee, I have had consistently pleasant interactions with a lot of KR's including but not limited to Uscari, Holywarrior, Frog, Sakito, and Kaliko Kitty. I have a very active presence on this server and I am respectful of all the players. I have not been silenced, slept, or slapped a single time while playing here.
If in spite of this it is decided that the ban should stay, it was a good time ya'll.