Anything else that doesn't fit in any of the above forums goes here!
 #150454  by Fluffy
Hey guys, we're going to need V0.1 up and ready for alpha test before game design gets a good shakedown.

While that's happening I'd like everyone here to define the essential features that will go into the alpha, along with possible parameters to tune those features. I will curate the results into this top post. I'll start with a few things we should discuss.

Game bounds (length & width)
The size of the field affects how long it takes to traverse the map, interaction frequency, and subsequently the average round length. We'll heavily test this because those aspects can be changed by individual tile properties and character abilities.

Character abilities
Things like attack damage, special abilities, hp, force capacity, move range.
 #151182  by Zabuza
HolyWarrior wrote:Wait what? Are we changing the settings for the server?
No. See this
 #153128  by Frog
Okay, how about this: A multi-level map that goes from left to right, and you can traverse to a set amount of times before you hit the map bounds.
The abilities would be lengthy - giving replay-ability and an addicting nature to continue to play and earn more abilities. The weapon proficiency is another branch I believe should have attention to. It'd look something like this,


Note: this would be separate from abilities/feats.
This is a rough idea for abilities.

Addtionally this would give a rough idea for the actions.

My idea is to make the game sort of RP friendly and easy to play and access, but hard to master. The depth of the levels and abilities would extend far beyond what I present in those pictures, but the main thing we could emphasis is replayability and ease of game. What do you think?
 #153129  by Frog
Along with this is a very very rough idea of my presentation = the map, settings, view, etc

 #153195  by Fluffy
Good ideas Frog! Keep writing down your ideas, as I'm sure they'll come in handy down the track. I'm particularly impressed by the attention to detail in your GUI concept.

Keep it up!