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 #15269  by ShrunkenCheese
My cat was put to sleep. Something was wrong with her all day but me and my mom didn't know what. When my mom got home she took my cat to the vet. They said something was wrong with her lung and she couldn't breathe properly. So they put her to sleep. I loved that cat. She always slept with me at night, and always woke up in the morning at the same time everyday. And when my mom called and sighed, I just right away started crying...

 #15275  by Soulreaper
u said u hated your cat and wanted to kill cause it puked on the rug or somthin your wish cam true even though u didnt mean it..

 #15276  by ShrunkenCheese
that was a different cat, and I still don't like that cat that much, thats my mom's cat

 #15278  by Soulreaper
roffel well somthin thats good news u can get a kitten and always have it around u so it will be your new cat.. not good at tryin to cheer people up lolz

 #15279  by ShrunkenCheese
I can tell.. I've had that cat since I was 1 years old

 #15280  by Soulreaper
ohh... u shoulda added that part in? so y wat was wrong with her lung?

 #15281  by ShrunkenCheese
I don't know, I think it collapsed.

 #15282  by Soulreaper
man so how old was that cat

 #15283  by ShrunkenCheese

 #15284  by ShrunkenCheese
14, so she was old.

 #15285  by Soulreaper
ya ive only had my retard of a cat for 5 years lolz energetic and annoying as hell

 #15286  by ShrunkenCheese
well this cat has been here my whole life. I'm going to miss Mara...

 #15287  by Soulreaper
that was its name doesnt rly sound like a cats name no affence

 #15288  by ShrunkenCheese
it was an Egyptian Mao, a rare breed. And Mara seems Egyptian to me.

 #15290  by ShrunkenCheese
Adam West's cat launcher?

 #15291  by Soulreaper
ya thats how your cat died cause it was the one through the window and its chest on a movie rak lolz

 #15292  by ShrunkenCheese
thats not cool...

 #15293  by Soulreaper
... see i suck at tryin to make people laugh makes me laugh but its always things that make them feel worse

 #15294  by ShrunkenCheese
yea just a bit...

 #15295  by Soulreaper
... this is a 2 sided post and it already has 2 pages

 #15296  by ShrunkenCheese

 #15297  by Soulreaper
ya i kno pretty sad

 #15298  by ShrunkenCheese
especially since it's just two people