Got a problem with our admins? Please feel free to express here!
 #152515  by The Fallen One
It appears the server has banned me again. After reconnecting when I crashed lol. :P
 #152516  by jawfin
You obviously had it coming. Using one of those dodgy Australian connections (they're all criminals) what did you expect??!? Ban lifted :)
 #152517  by The Fallen One
Jawfin wrote:You obviously had it coming. Using one of those dodgy Australian connections (they're all criminals) what did you expect??!? Ban lifted :)
Jawfin you are a cheeky little sausage aren't you :lol: Thank you for the lift! 8)
 #152519  by The Fallen One
Jawfin wrote:Sausages are awesome. Whack another snag on the barbie mate!
Wack another snag on the barbie and dont forget the grog mate, cause we're getting right smashed today cuz!
 #152555  by jawfin
"Cuz"? - You going Kiwi bro? Smashed as!

(Note: this post is completely on topic, if you think about it.)
 #152563  by MasterM
Jawfin wrote:(Note: this post is completely on topic, if you think about it.)
Darn, I was about to ban you

*On topic*
How do they get the internet out there in Australia since it's so far away?
 #152676  by The Fallen One
MasterM wrote:
Jawfin wrote:(Note: this post is completely on topic, if you think about it.)
Darn, I was about to ban you

*On topic*
How do they get the internet out there in Australia since it's so far away?
Idk, how do bees fly?
Lol but seriously, we dont get very good internet. If you pay out the butt for a good connection it works well, but I'm a poor little pleb so lol
 #152679  by Squidlord
Us Aussies have had the internet going nice and strong for a whole 5 years, we're doing well!