Who's at what rank?
 #152501  by Berserker
Hi guys, looking for a Master in a US of A time zone that is able to work with single.

Thanks for your time!
 #152507  by Frog
It's been awhile, so if you need a master I can do it. I live in the US and I have no life so I can do it full time.
Knights, claim this poor boy before I do!
 #152530  by deathscyth
well as we all know knights get first pick
so available knights are
1 Jack Skywalker
2 Gilgamesh
3 Squidlord
4 CoOco
5 Holywarrior
6 Rick
7 Exiled
so let them have a chance first
 #152591  by StarHunter
If no knights speak up and frog and glen die I'd be willing :P. (lemme know if you wanna make it look like an accident >:) )
 #152614  by Squidlord
Hey mate, I'd love to take on a paddy but i'm not sure i'll be able to put in a lot of time at the moment. I'm an Aussie too if that affects your decision, but up to you, if you are willing to have your training a bit slower, I would be very willing, but completely understand if you want someone who will be on more often to help you out! Either way gl with the selections buddy :)
 #152626  by Berserker
Squid and I have been talking to see if our schedules will be able to work and it looks like they will!
So if Council approves I'd like to choose Squidlord as my master.
 #152652  by Falcon
Sorry about the delay, APPROVED!

Good luck!