Who's gone up and who's gone down?
 #151985  by Jawa
Shinx's Knight Trial

Status: Passed

Trialer: Jawa
Assistant: Zaluk

2v1 (2/5)
1. Won
2. Lost
3. Won
4. Lost
5. Lost

1v1 (8/10)
1. Won (Jawa)
2. Won (Zaluk)
3. Won (Jawa)
4. Won (Zaluk)
5. Lost (Jawa)
6. Won (Zaluk)
7. Won (Jawa)
8. Won (Zaluk)
9. Lost (Jawa)
10. Won (Zaluk)

Congrats Shink! awesome work and love your use of blue truly knight material! now run up and get your prize!

 #151992  by Frog
Congrats Shink! Always use blue if you want to impress Jawa.
 #151993  by Mandalorian
Haha, Shinx. I'm going to start calling him that. My favourite pokemon to date.

Congratz on making knights :)
 #151997  by R4gnar
Nice job man :)
 #152000  by Shink
Thanks everyone! For those who weren't there:

It was an Xmas fireworks celebration!

Then of course my prize:

Instead of killing him, I befriended him:

Also, blue is love:
 #152004  by Jawa
So sorry forgot to also mention Gilgamesh is our newest Guardian! Congrats to you aswell!
 #152025  by Shink
Many congrats to my master, Gilg! It is hoped he will return soon.