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 #151876  by Hayate
Not sure If I was banned or not, but I check the server listings and I no longer see the KR server. I ask others if the server is up and running and people say Its still up and running. My thoughts were I was banned, after I had disconnected from the server. My friend had gotten on and talked a bunch of smack and talked about Satan after we had a couple of drinks. I apologize for his words and my irresponsibility for letting him get on like that. Im pleading that my ban be removed, so I may continue joining the KR server regularly.

Sincerely, Hayate
 #151879  by Frog
Never trust the server list. I do not know if you are banned, but I do know that the server list is horribly unreliable right now.

Connect like this:
 #151883  by jawfin
As Froggy said, masterlist not that great. If you see an actual message "Banned" when you connect then let us know! From my end you are not banned as far as I can tell.
 #151911  by Yato
Hey Hayate! Welcome to our forum. Accorded to Jawfin and Frog mentioned up there, if you see a masterlist that KR is not pop on the list, this doesn't means you are banned and it doesn't means KR is dead. The masterlist always been done from here to there from times to times.

If you want to get on KR server, you can check at Server News and get ip here: http://knights-reborn.org/forum/viewtop ... f=9&t=2492
You also can favorite by add ip and then go to server lists, and click on 'add favorite', then add ip there.

Hopefully my tips will helps you to get in KR.