Who's at what rank?
 #150842  by R4gnar
Squall is, without any shadow of a doubt, ready for his jedi trial. Best of luck to you, old padawan :P
 #150854  by Squall
I can take it when somebody is free :) here goes the Jedi trial for the 3rd time :) Thanks R4gnar buddy. You have been a great help, although next time we are on together we should definitely work out my Yellow kinks.. or maybe there is some places i just can't reach with my limitations. (pft.. im awesome..) But you are one of the most talented in the game i have seen in a very long time in KR.. definitely a pat on the back for you!
 #150855  by Rogue
Squall/DJBlade!!!! I wish you best of lucks on your jedi trial! :)