Who's at what rank?
 #150787  by Meowster Chief
I've decided that it would be a fun experience to move up a bit in the clan, and get more involved. Thus, I've decided to go on the lookout for a new master to take me under their wing!

My typical saber style is single, but sometimes I do experiment with staffs. :P

Looking at the other requests, I think that's all I needed on here? If I'm missing anything, please let me know!
 #150790  by Samurai X
Dude, I'm all yours if you want 8)
I think we will have a good time together

If you accept me as your master, we will need to wait the council approval to start this journey :mrgreen:
 #150799  by Samurai X
Awesome Buddie!!
Lets wait till council approves :D
 #150800  by Glenhal
I will have a Grand-paddy, key will have a grand-grand-paddy :D
 #150802  by Key

Get to work lads! :D
 #150804  by Meowster Chief
:D Ha ha, I made it! So I'm a grand-grand-paddy then?

Man, we should make a graphical family tree or something...

Great news to hear! I'm gonna jump on the server after dinner and start up some playing - er - working! :P

Wow, feels good to finally be getting more involved in the Clan... "helping out" the admins during troll hours was always fun, can't wait till I'm working alongside you guys! (ha, that'll be quite a bit of time from now :P)
 #150805  by Dopie
Congrats guys :)!
 #150832  by Rogue
Best of luck you both, Samurai X and MineandCraft!! :)
 #150833  by Samurai X
I'm still a little further to the southeast, in Rio de Janeiro :mrgreen: