After greatly must testing for Sliders compiler flags for ja+ 2.4 beta 7, I have below been testing out configs to fix these weird blocks in certain saber styles so far by enabling g_sabertracesaberfirst on corrects this but normally would be useless on other mods.
I was seeing if any KR would be interested giving it a shot, and discussed over. I have typed it up into a vstr format so it contains the fix or the default configuration which you are running now. Admins will need access to amvstr to run btw also. And another note it does not have to be included in the server.cfg to exec it can be done manually.
I can demonstrate this on another server which is also in dallas.
Link below to the cfg and zip
Your friend wookiee
I was seeing if any KR would be interested giving it a shot, and discussed over. I have typed it up into a vstr format so it contains the fix or the default configuration which you are running now. Admins will need access to amvstr to run btw also. And another note it does not have to be included in the server.cfg to exec it can be done manually.
I can demonstrate this on another server which is also in dallas.
Code: Select all
seta KRBLOCKS_FIX "say ^5Knights Reborn blocks fix activated;set KRBLOCK vstr KRBLOCKS_DEFAULT;seta g_sabertracesaberfirst 1; forcetoggle 15; forcetoggle 16"
seta KRBLOCKS_DEFAULT "say ^5Knights Reborn default blocks activated;set KRBLOCK vstr KRBLOCKS_FIX;seta g_sabertracesaberfirst 0; forcetoggle 15; forcetoggle 16"
Link below to the cfg and zip
Your friend wookiee