Check out what is happening with the servers!
 #145827  by Lurch
Today Rogue, Kaliko and myself discovered that several NON members found a glitch on the T2-Rancor map. Somehow and I think its with the use of grapple, they can get to the back of the room where the switch is to close the gate to the outside of the map via the teleporter. When they do this no one can go outside. They keep playing with that switch. This should be addressed and corrected or a change made so they can't do this. Any ideas?
 #145828  by Samantha Crow
Lurch wrote:Today Rogue, Kaliko and myself discovered that several NON members found a glitch on the T2-Rancor map. Somehow and I think its with the use of grapple, they can get to the back of the room where the switch is to close the gate to the outside of the map via the teleporter. When they do this no one can go outside. They keep playing with that switch. This should be addressed and corrected or a change made so they can't do this. Any ideas?
Seen this a few times my self was locked out side in the in the hills wondering what was going on.
Tell i seen samurai x farret aka prisoner and me clients do it.
so door needs to be locked for good or we need one of them famous skyjaw death traps please.
 #145835  by Artemis
Yeah, it's a grapple + lag thing. You can go through whatever trigger was cloned to make the teleport. It's fun to just stand back there and make people wonder, but leaving the gate closed is kind of evil.

The easiest way to fix it would be to just remove the button, or try cloning the tele trigger another time or two farther back in that hallway... or clone the tele trigger and make it a deadly trigger_hurt. Not sure if we can lag through that, but I'm willing to test it.
 #145840  by Rogue
Since Lurch and Kitty already have mentioned the issues and possibility of an exploits they seems to figure out, whether if it is duel or grapple exploits, like some did mentioned about it. I was there when that was happened. I was asking myself and says, "How do the visitors getting all the ways to the button and shut off the door, so visitors don't have an access to teleport to outside area on t2_rancor. I feel this is not fair, and I don't want to visitors feels that way. So I did teleport over there, and asked visitors to stop abusing the buttons and leave that alone, otherwise, I will have to figure out a Plan A-to-Z, to blocked it off.

Since this is not my map, this is Jammer map. I am sure he can figure out what to put there, as it is up to his decisions. I hope that area that have an access to for everyone, and make sure they're not upset that someone abuse the buttons. I find this odd, but I hope this can sort out or figure out somewhere better.

So, it will be up to Jawfin and a councils to make a decisions what should we do with t2_rancor, and so on, I hope you are opens with a big arms and ears to figure out if we should hold the t2_rancor that will be fix and resume it back for a temporary of times, or we can just pick other maps.

At the bottom of line I want to emphasize: We're all here, whether if it is KR's or a visitors, we want everyone to have fun on the servers, and make sure every maps that have an access for all, and fair and square.

I hope you can make a considerations about this. I thanks for everyone to comment on this situations, and I know exploits can happens.
 #145905  by Sam
also it makes your game crash as well it has happened to me a few times i think it's a cool glitch but it can screw your game up and etc
 #145906  by Sam
so i'm going to unbind m which is bind m ping m
 #145907  by Sam
and also t2 rancor is kinda boring and sucks
 #145908  by Mandalorian
its awesome and rocks
 #145909  by Lurch
One other thing about the map. If it can be changed, when you come into the main area from outside you appear in the center where the rancor pit is. This is dangerous because you tele in the middle of duels and FFA's and get instantly killed. Any chance the location can be changed to enter in a safer area?
 #145910  by Sam
yeah for the lols i teleported outside and i crushed jack skywalker from another dimension lol :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: but i didn't mean to
 #145942  by Jack Skywalker
Sithkiller Sam wrote:yeah for the lols i teleported outside and i crushed jack skywalker from another dimension lol :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: but i didn't mean to
Telefrags are fun :P
 #146304  by Jammer
Yea the map had way more glitches and problems than I realized. I can only test so many things on my own it takes tons of people to find all the problems. Sorry for all the trouble XD. I think a complete rethinking of its design is in order for it to be usable or just scrap the idea entirely. Depends on if people feel it is worth me trying to fully fix it I just want to make something that people can enjoy and not be frustrated with.
 #146317  by Pantheon
i would prefer a new fresh map xD i dont know about others but this rancor map is kinda plain in color theme :l
 #146325  by jawfin
Map textures can also be changed, I would presume Jammer knows how to do that with the entities. I find it a fun map though, but if its weaknesses get exploited so it affects regular game play it will have to be taken off the cycle.
 #147197  by Jammer
well I have spent some time trying to redo t2_rancor to improve the quality of play on it. So here are some images to try and show the idea I was going with for the changes.
First I have changed the textures to a more Hoth theme. The colors are still a little bland and the same but I tried to give it a more fresh and clean look.
I have moved the main area to the outside so people can fight with as much air space as they want since apparently people like to be able to jump :D
Also since I moved the main area outside I thought perhaps we could put the rancor back, but I decided he should be a icy and ghostly rancor:
The Rancor could use a name and a backstory so please let me know some potential ideas for him.
Also please give feedback whether u like/hate the new look or possible ways to improve further as everything is still a work in progress.
 #147199  by Sam
that looks dope as hell way much better than the original one looked like a dogs dinner great vork jamma! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
 #147201  by Mandalorian
Name and back story? Hoth-like planet? Ooh ooh:

17 years before yavin, Darth Sidious visited the planet of Illum, a planet brimming with the force and a rare spot in the galaxy that contains kyber crystals. Sidious' plot was to find a way to infuse kyber crystal energy with that of living creatures, increasing their strength and their will. His first experiment failed, as the life form he had tested it on died, and his experiments kept failing due to the large income of force energy into the beings. That was until the scientists in charge of Sidious' project attempted to try it on a rancor, and so the Impetus Rancor was born. A rancor brimming with the powers of the force that hone his strength to become a glorious creature of destruction. The rancor eventually destroyed the laboratory and killed all the scientists (hence all the bones lying around :p), and the project ended up being abandoned and forgotten...until a band of fools known as KR decided to make it a regular base for killing each other and hanging out by a campfire.

Whaddya think?
 #147202  by Mnsomc
I think the outside area is a bit big for an ffa or duel (perhaps you could put some kind of a divider in the middle like that half-pillar lying down in Kor2, but just a minor suggestion), but overall it looks great to me. I like the idea of having fights outside and a rancor inside. As for the map name, I propose Rancoth, Rancold, White Walkers, or Hoth the Door, because why not.
 #147204  by John
I need something big to stand on in the middle to flaunt how awesome I am and look important.
 #147208  by Frog
John wrote:I need something big to stand on in the middle to flaunt how awesome I am and look important.
you could try spawning a bunch of stormtroopers and have them surround you, while you are standing on a pedestal and doing amhips. that ought to work :P
 #147476  by Jammer
It is now ready and on the server. Stop by and have a look when it comes around.