Anything you wanna add to this crazy world? Put in here!
 #137812  by Veneratus
Hey :D

Watched today seventh episod and it was............ Wait for it........... AWESOME :shock:
Don't wanna write spoilers so just say that Kylo Ren shouldn't take off the mask cuz the actor is completely wrong person and too cute to be a sith.... ( disney the only fail in this movie) Nevertheless, I was feeling as 6 years old child while watching SW :roll: and emotions were jumping from happiness to hate and to hapiness again {^^}
It was really nice to met loved heroes from original trilogy and in one moment I thought I will start crying (you will know why soon).

Soooooo, What do you think about Disney Star Wars? :D Did Abrams succeed :?:
 #137813  by Key
 #137814  by Frog
Lucky you guys, I have to go with the Force and yall get Luck |:|
 #137927  by deathscyth
Abrams did a excellent job at starwars the force awakens i loved the movie
 #137964  by Yama
Strongly disagree.

In regards to Kylo Ren

I thought the casting and the actor were perfect. I also think it was a riveting performance, *pokes tongue.

HIghlight actor of the movie for me.
 #138033  by Veneratus
I know what u feel Yama :D
When He took the mask off my first reaction was "omg put it on plz". It is like Vader story: firstly we met Vader as badass Sith Lord and then we are meeting Young Skywalker and stupid love dialogs and midichlorians. Why they destroy such a good character *Akuma cries* Anyway, show must go on and this show worth it.
 #138046  by Jack Skywalker
Akuma wrote: It is like Vader story: firstly we met Vader as badass Sith Lord and then we are meeting Young Skywalker and stupid love dialogs and midichlorians. Why they destroy such a good character *Akuma cries* Anyway, show must go on and this show worth it.
That's why the prequels are supposed to be watched first :P
 #138057  by Frog
Why do I do this to myself and read this thread?!
 #138122  by Kirito
lol at frog, dude.... go see the movie! I'm sure i speak for everyone here.

 #144446  by Lurch
I FINALLY watched it on DVD last night. I thoroughly enjoyed it very much. There were of course noticeable references (to say the least) to Episode 4 A New Hope. I won't ruin them for others, but those of you that have seen it know what I mean. I look forward to Episode 8 which I've heard they are already beginning work on now. May the Force be with them.
 #144452  by Frog
Absolutely adore that movie. I'd place it above the prequels and on par with a new hope and Return of the Jedi. X>
Glad you got to watch it Lurch!