Who's gone up and who's gone down?
 #144048  by jawfin
Yes, Robin.

That's right, HolyWarrior aced his Knight's trial :)

Status: Passed

Knight Trial for HolyWarrior

Trialer : Jawfin
Assistant : Jack

1 vs 1:

1. Lost --(Jawfin)
2. Won --(Zaluk)
3. Won --(Jawfin)
4. Won --(Zaluk)
5. Lost --(Jawfin)
6. Won --(Zaluk)
7. Lost --(Jawfin)
8. Won --(Zaluk)
9. Won --(Jawfin)
10. Won --(Zaluk)

2 vs 1:

1. Won
2. Lost
3. Won
4. Won
5. Lost

Final result: Won 7 / 10 (1 vs 1) & Won 3 / 5 (2 vs 1)

Congrats mate, well earned :D

Edit: Minor point, Jack got subbed out during the trial (bedtime was it?)
 #144052  by Fluffy
Congrats HW!!!!!!! Now I have permission to duel you more seriuosly!!
 #144053  by Frog
Congrats HW. Only 3 years or so amirite?
 #144055  by MasterM
 #144056  by Dopie

Congrats =)!
 #144076  by HolyWarrior
Thanks for all your comments and i am honored to reach among the ranks and look forward to go further as possible. For now i will wait a long time like i did last time cuz it was worth it.
 #144079  by MaxiPadawan
Congrats HW, I am proud to have witnessed this trial. I took several screenshots to commemorate the occasion! I will get them posted as soon as i figure out how to do so :P
 #144083  by Yato
Haha, nice picture there, Well done Holywarrior, congratulation, you made it!!

Got to love that picture, that pose cracked me up, haha ^^
 #144535  by Veneratus
Congrats Holy!