Anything you wanna add to this crazy world? Put in here!
 #143622  by Samantha Crow
Stock in meat snacks has went up a record 15% today.
Thanks to Kaliko Corporations new meat snack line.
Introducing are new and tasty line of.
Rogue in a can get them while they last.
Are supplies are very limited.
One canned rogue per house hold.


thanks for doing this Rogue. :lol:
 #143623  by Rogue
Hahaha ^^ I got to love that screenshot!! :razz:
Last edited by Rogue on Thu Apr 21, 2016 5:21 pm, edited 3 times in total.
 #143624  by Frog
xD This is harlious Kitty and Rogue! Made my day with this!
 #143641  by Frog
I'm wondering.. Is this Rogue for eating or for decoration? I microwaved it for 2 minutes and 30 seconds.. And it didn't taste any better. :|
 #143643  by Shink
Opened my Rogue-in-a-Can and there was a Doge. I was pleased but this was clearly a packaging error