If you've decided to leave KR, let it be known here!
 #142245  by Yama
Due to my behaviour today which clearly negates the rules I signed. For creating the most unique entry poll I have ever seen. I will step down as a KR, It was not my intention to dishonor the name but clearly today my actions countermand what KR is all about for that I apologize to everybody.With much embarrassment. It has been an Enjoyable year playing with you all and I wish you guys all the best. For making the clanpass change and admin login change I pre apologise for the inconvenience of this too.

Thank you for the opportunity given and thank you for your friendships. Its been a blast KR!
 #142246  by Rick
I can not belive, why Yama. You are the reason why i am in KR. You are always patient and kinda guiding light to me! 1st April is close but seriously i just dont understand.
Take care and thank you
 #142248  by Zaluk
I don't think a leave is necessary :( In a way mistakes are a good thing, it helps us learn what not to do in the future.

That said, if you are truly leaving, farewell Yama.
 #142249  by Frog
What the heck happened while I was gone for 2 days????
Without drama will be near impossible Yama but I'll try.
You are one of my bestest buds Yams why?! Leaving KR in the face of a mistake is a mistake larger in itself! ;_; Please come back really soon or at least have a great life. You deserve it, and take care and hug your birds for me! But please make sure you are not making a mistake.
 #142253  by Thunderbird
Well, it seems you truly left since you connected without the KR tags, I really wish you the best my Aussie friend! Take good care of yourself.
 #142257  by MasterM
I am sorry you feel that way and that it had to end like this. Take care.
 #142260  by Mnsomc
You know you are one of my favorite KR members. I don't believe one event should lead to your leave, so I would ask you to reconsider your decision, or at least take a leave of absence instead if you need a break.

If you do end up leaving KR, do connect to the server often, take a good break, and come back soon. You know there will always be at least one friendly face waiting for you to return.
 #142265  by Uscari
Come on man, we all make mistakes, sure you did not act the way you should, but part of being a KR is moving on from your mistakes, and growing from them.

I'm not saying goodbye until I hear your response to this argument, because this seems a little extreme, considering how other KRs have stayed and improved after doing worse.
 #142276  by Key
I don't think a leave was necessary either, Yama ... we all make mistakes, it wasn't anything we couldn't work through. PM me if you'd like to continue talking about this
 #142279  by Squidlord
This is really sad to see, and I don't know what happened but please do just think this through Yama my old friend. Everybody makes mistakes and we can always use them to learn and not make the same mistakes later. If this is truly what you think is best you look after yourself and make sure you visit the server often so I can invite you back!
 #142283  by Fluffy
Yama, KR isn't a police state. Just because you made a mistake, it doesn't mean anything has to end.

You know you've made a mistake, why don't you stay and let everyone help you with making amends and improving on your flaws?

I'm pretty sure you'd find that outcome more desirable too.
 #142284  by jawfin
Hey Yamyam, its not about what you do or don't do, but about your attitude. And mate you clearly have a good attitude and a positive spirit towards KR.

For instance, if we exposed all the history of KR leaders you'd have players who: seriously abused admin and had it stripped, demoted to Padawan, faced discipline over sexual chat, attacked the server with apps and scripts, were serious lamers and trolls, kicked from the clan for all sorts of abuses, Its not about what you do but how you roll with the punches from the corrections. Don't discount yourself so quickly mate, we don't :)
 #142291  by Rogue
Hey Yama, You see all KR members really care about you, we really do. But you don't have to take leave because you made a mistakes. It's really is not a big deal. I admitted I made mistake, so does everyone does made mistakes, and making mistakes is not a bad things. It's a good things. It's make us to learns adjust to know what's the right between the wrong and we learned from it. I'm not going to force you as it is your decision to made. But I want you to consider, because maybe you can change mind and stay KR. Remember, we're a family and friendly server and we're trying to helps you, we're not mad.

I hope you understand this that we're trying to help you out, just like how parent treated and helping children out to know what's right and what's wrong, and they learned from it. I hope you understand where we're coming from. Again, I'm not going to force you to stay KR as it is your decision to made, but if you really want to leave. That's your call. Show a love a KR, and show that you can makes changes, and you will have a KR spirit. I just want to help you out just like we all are, and just like how family works out.
 #142309  by Pantheon
Im not crying! I swear... i didnt cry...
 #142326  by Guardian
I don't know what happened but I hope you will change ur mind. I've made several mistakes in my time and one of them within the last 2-3 months in which I acted very poorly towards a fellow member. Not one of my best moments. Of course I apologized and we moved on from it but we all make mistakes. No one holds anything against you I'm sure. We all have times when we make bad decisions and need to reflect and grow from them. I hope you will change your mind, you truly belong here with your family in KR. Come home! WE MISS YOU! :P
Last edited by Guardian on Tue Mar 22, 2016 1:01 am, edited 1 time in total.
 #142365  by Yama
Thank you all for the kind sentiments.

I did not want to just Vanish into the ether without saying a couple of things

I am a stubborn man. My pride has cost me a few times throughout my life, as it will again in this case. When I decide something there is no going back there is no room for retreat, compromise or negotiation. I have also with a heavy heart decided that I will be leaving The JKA community for good. I have uninstalled this morning and just wanted to address a couple of things before I disappear completely. I have played on the server for a couple of days since this leave and whilst you have all been friendly and respectful, simply once you have been part of a family it is almost impossible to be close to the flame and not be warmed by it.

I ask a couple of things of you ALL

LOOK AFTER EACH OTHER. there are a couple of times during my time as a KR where I have had a particularly bad time in server and have felt awful. both of those times Jawfin connected just to check on me and make sure I was ok. I cannot express how much that meant to me. (Rogue too) It is not just the councils job to make sure all members are ok. It is the responsibility of every member to take care of each other. I know some members are not big talkers or engage as completely as others. it is the responsibility of the rest of you guys to hold those members as close as you do your close friends to make them feel included. Say hello to a KR member EVERY time they connect. Don't wait for their hello get your own out there first! I know this seems simple but nothing makes you feel more included than all your family saying hello as soon as you walk through the door. If somebody seems a bit out of sorts or sad ask them in PM if they are ok can you help in anyway? Sometimes just checking on somebody is enough.

Bury those hatchets please. If you have an issue with another member don't let them fester. Communicate with that person no need for arguments just say hello can we have a chat. Often part of conflict resolution is that common ground is found and friendship can develop from this. It is my deepest regret upon leaving that I did not find out why Sakito and I in an entire year did not have a single conversation. There were a couple of instances where sakito and I were the only KR on the server and we still did not speak. Sorry Saki If did something or said something that created this divide. Be careful when addressing things with each other please use those leading statements 'I feel your being a little harsh'. "hey (whoever) Are you ok?" Uscari is particularly good at this so please use him as an example you could not find a kinder more intelligent caring person if you tried. Finally in regards to taking care of each other try not to jump all over each other regarding admin let the person deal with someone judgement free unless obviously there are clearly abusing.

Stay patient, with visitors and lamers and flamers. Learn when to turn the old nelsonian. (blind eye) Keep your own opinion out of admin usage. There are a clear set of rules, follow these your own opinion is irrelevant unless of course you find something personally offensive.

It has been a rough year for me. I have sold my business recently and do not know really other than training dogs what I am going to do next. The one consistent for me with my 60 hour work week was i could come home see my family put my boy to bed then jump online and relax with my other family. I will miss this routine to be sure.

There my lecture is over. I wish you all the best friends, brothers, sisters. and ole uncle Jaw and young auntie Fal. Prehaps with some time I may return to play again but in comes that stubborn again which is most likely what will keep me away. I will try to check in with you guys on the forums every couple of months just to have that personal satisfaction that you are all still here going strong and kickin butt! I will not do that little message for each person that some do. Those that know I love them Know. Those that know i like them Know. I will ask that you all take special care of that house cat for me!(kaliko) with a special mention to all my invites you all know how much care for you. Congrats Baleful Ira on being accepted! much love.

If you have read this far thankyou!

Always walk into the sun let the shadows fall behind you.
Long Live the Black Sun of the Knights Reborn.
Yama Teh Drama Llama
Nick Town.

Kills 16950 -------BONZA!
Deaths 17950---Fiddlestix.
 #142366  by Jammer
I can't handle this Fiddlestix :(
 #142369  by Squidlord
Absolute fiddlestix!

But seriously all the best my old friend, it's been an absolute pleasure knowing you. Thanks for calming me down enough to score an invite to this family too!
 #142371  by Jack Skywalker
Cya m8... WAIT, WHAT?! 1 bad moment isn't a real reason to leave... do a kata and respawn, no matter how much KT spams your chat with "Fiddlestix!" messages :P Well, as you made your decision, cya :(

P.S.: You... will... change... your... mind... *uses mindtrick*
 #142376  by Uscari
I understand and respect your choice Yama, and since you have fulfilled my request to give a full explanation, I am ready, reluctant as I am, to say goodbye.

The stubborn aspect of your character is partially what made me feel so reassured coming back to the clan after my absence. I wasn't sure how well I would integrate with the new crowd of members, but your unyielding openness and refusal to let me feel left out reminded me of the family I wanted to come back to.

You are and always were KR material to me, and I hope one day you will come back at peace with what you've done, and be ready to spam your hello binds once more :)

All the best, my friend.
 #142380  by jawfin
Take care of yourself and your family Yama. Don't feel restrained in any way if you want to pm me for a chat or whatever.

Peace bro <3
 #142392  by Rogue
Take Care Yama, you will be missed. I hope you remembered where we have our fun, our memories, or what we had. With all of that being said, I wish you the best of lucks with your future ahead. :)
 #142398  by Pantheon
I respect your choice... but that doesnt stop my tears. I wish i could keep in touch with you and have a chat with you from time to time
 #142415  by Mnsomc
I know you'll come back one day and make that fiddlestix reach 1 million (and spread your words of wisdom to newer members, of course). Until then, may the Force be with you, Yama.