If you've decided to leave KR, let it be known here!
 #141427  by Awful
I am leaving KR. mainly fower reasons Id rather not post. Please pm me with any questions.
 #141436  by Squidlord
Cya mate, hope everything is ok :(
 #141442  by Sifodias
So many guys are leaving, even you T^T
I hope you're fine and you will hang out some times on the server
Cya :(
 #141449  by Uscari
Jeeze these really are popular lately!

It was nice getting to know you man, hope you turn out alright.

Gl with everything.
 #141466  by toon
good luck with everything awful.. was nice having you around with us.
 #142075  by Veneratus
Why are you doing this to me T_T
 #142526  by Kirito
dang... sad :(

i wish you the best of luck man... gonna miss ya