The new in-progress skin, which will be by far the best and most used, or so I would assume:

(Excuse me sentient, but it seems you have dropped this datapad...)
This skin will be a compilation of all the male party characters from KotOR 1 and 2 (excluding Jolee and Bao Dur), in which they will have the ability to wear Combat Armours, Light Battle Armours, and Heavy Comat Armour from KotOR 1. So far, I only have the Combat Battle armour, but soon it will have the other..idk...10? Basically any armour in kotor you can think of will be in this skin.
The skin will operate like the character select thing in which you can select which head to use with what armour, and will use the default male Revan voice from KotOR 1.
The Twi'lek head was also included since it is a head commonly seen in KotOR 1 and 2 that uses this armour. If I have the time, I might even add the random civilian heads, but that's if I can find the models and have the time.
This skin along with T3-M4, G0-T0, the Ebon Hawk, and Rakatan Spider Droid aren't in the pack yet, although they will be in the next update.
There once was a member of this land,
A humerous posting he had planned.
But when he posted,
By mods he was toasted,
And he had found himself banned.