Show off your sexy skins and models here!

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 #141362  by Mandalorian
Lord Scourge as a whole was cool, his ties to Revan and Meetra was bad. Literally SWTOR is great except for most of its kotor ties.
 #141391  by Jawa
Zaluk wrote:
Jawa wrote:Amazing work in such a small span of time, can't wait to destroy the worst companion ever. (G0-T0)
Does that mean.....


isn't the worst?
Disgusting cowardice trash, companion is too nice for him. Servant is a better suited term for him.
 #141395  by Mandalorian
His ideals were quite interesting though :o. Same with G0-T0, he was a Droid built to stabilize the galaxy through the illegal systems of trade and alliances. He was a critical factor to preparing the known space for the impending doom which Revan and Meetra sought to combat.

...but yeah his ties with the kotor characters isn't good. Swtor really doesn't continue most kotor topics well. Some are good, but most are bad.
 #141399  by Jawa
Mandalorian wrote:His ideals were quite interesting though :o.
...but yeah his ties with the kotor characters isn't good..
That is why they are the worst imo, I probably would have respected scourge more if he didn't cheapshot to kill. Unforgivable.
 #141488  by Mandalorian
So yes, these next pics do confirm that I will be making another PK3 along with the skin pack, the KotOR Vehicle pack. Will include The Ebon Hawk, Republican Hammerheads, Sith Fighter Jets, and the Leviathan.



Excuse me, do you know where the nearest docking station is so I could fill up on fuel? :o


NopeNopeNopeNope. Gotta get out of here.

 #141507  by Mandalorian
The new in-progress skin, which will be by far the best and most used, or so I would assume:


(Excuse me sentient, but it seems you have dropped this datapad...)



This skin will be a compilation of all the male party characters from KotOR 1 and 2 (excluding Jolee and Bao Dur), in which they will have the ability to wear Combat Armours, Light Battle Armours, and Heavy Comat Armour from KotOR 1. So far, I only have the Combat Battle armour, but soon it will have the other..idk...10? Basically any armour in kotor you can think of will be in this skin.

The skin will operate like the character select thing in which you can select which head to use with what armour, and will use the default male Revan voice from KotOR 1.

The Twi'lek head was also included since it is a head commonly seen in KotOR 1 and 2 that uses this armour. If I have the time, I might even add the random civilian heads, but that's if I can find the models and have the time.

This skin along with T3-M4, G0-T0, the Ebon Hawk, and Rakatan Spider Droid aren't in the pack yet, although they will be in the next update.
 #141625  by Mandalorian
*Takes deep breath*


I found a way to port over all models from KotOR I and KotOR II to a useable format.

Literally, expect any character from KotOR series in the next update. I guess the biggest skin that will appear in the next update will be the male/female playable character from KotOR I and II, with single player customization available. You will be able to change your heads (the same heads from kotor 1 and 2, maybe some extra I might throw in there, like Davik, or Brejik...deadeye? Malak?), and customizable armour; that being any (and when I say any I mean ANY) armour from the KotOR series.

I don't have any wip pictures yet besides the ones shown above, but know that I do have all the files on my PC right as I type this, getting ready to be ported over to JKA.

(Yes, there will even be a gizka skin)

EDIT: Oh, and I forgot to say, I also found some SWTOR files, so I'll make a separate pk3 for them.

Along with that separate pk3, I'll add a vehicles pk3. The vehicles pk3 will include:

Ebon Hawk: finished
Endar Spire: Halfway finished
Taris/Manaan/Onderon Shuttle: Early stages
SWTOR Taxi Swoop: Not started

I know this seems like I'm bombarding myself with work, but I truly am determined to see this all through. Which is why I am also making a TV series pack, which includes ported models from Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Star Wars Rebels. This will be a separate pk3 as well.
 #141631  by Mandalorian
I'm currently setting up all the models to be ready to get ported to jka, this will take some time, but I just wanted to post three things before I say anymore...



(Yes he will be added :P)

Another thing that will be added: Cut Content Outfits:

As I said, I'll try to get as much KotOR as possible into jka. Why? ... I don't know myself. But I find it fun, and I love KotOR.
 #141654  by Mandalorian
Video showcasing the new Cut Content Robes in JKA! (also a small fight with Darth Malak):
 #141657  by Mandalorian
REMINDER: Mechanized travel is for official business ONLY



The vehicle works perfectly, except for the only existing problem being that uh, I positioned it wrong :P

 #141775  by Rogue
I think the seating position looks fine there, but nice picture out there with a mod you have on your screen, skin, and also a custom vehicles.

But I have to be careful, if I download too much vehicles, it is likely I can get an errors that would say along the bottom lines that I have too much vehicles. It also applies if I have too many npcs, so it's unfortunately if I like to put all together in the base folder. Regardless and once again, I love these pictures and everything you has made Manda :)
 #141779  by Mandalorian
Rogue wrote:I think the seating position looks fine there, but nice picture out there with a mod you have on your screen, skin, and also a custom vehicles.

But I have to be careful, if I download too much vehicles, it is likely I can get an errors that would say along the bottom lines that I have too much vehicles. It also applies if I have too many npcs, so it's unfortunately if I like to put all together in the base folder. Regardless and once again, I love these pictures and everything you has made Manda :)

Place it in the japlus folder then :o ja+ extends the amount of vehicles one could have.
 #141968  by Mandalorian
With this skin pack, you can never lose a duel! Just look at how agile these characters are!


(Nah I'm messing with ya, that was a glitch caused by the DeLorean in the background, since it is a vehicle that doesn't float above the ground.)
 #142471  by Mandalorian
Sorry I haven't posted wips recently, been busy

Now with the extended KotORBase skin, you can play as the 5th highest ranking duelist on Taris! Of course there are only 5 duelists on Taris...


And you need...?


(note the armour isn't fully finished in that pic, it was a somewhat good failure which I need to fix up)

This is Admiral Carth Onasi of the Republic Fleet.


How goes it little droid?


Hmm yes, with this prototype accelerator engine installed in this swoop bike, and with no one here to claim it, I shall take it and place an offer for it on the black market. I calculate this transaction will increase credit regulation by 6.24%.


Showing this one again because I love it

 #142635  by Mandalorian
So I'm working on something. Don't blame me for this work in progress because
a.) I'm somewhat new
b.) It's a damn spider



Yes, I am aware of the legs spazzing out in multiple areas, as I said it's wip.

(imgur links just in case:
 #144360  by Mandalorian
Make sure you're holding on to your equipment, and make sure you know where the bridge is, because I just finished a new ship for the ship pack that will be released with the next update with the skinpack:

The Endarspire:


I actually died after this image, that big asteroid in front of me:


Prepare the jump to hyperspace...


Ay, you are too modern for my tastes...


An exchange of blasts..


Concentrate all fire on the ionization reactor!


And now an inside look for what it looks like to a tie-fighter pilot when he goes against a Republic fleet...


Anyways, been busy recently so that's why there was that big gap of no progress. I'm still sorta busy, but I managed to get this done. This still isn't released, and will be released alongside a pack later in the future.
 #145961  by Mandalorian

Will be it's own separate skin and will be a part of the large KotorBase skin.

EDIT: Decided to show some more screenshots of the robes:

Firstly, the cool black outfit we all know and love:


Since this is all under the KotorBase skin, you can choose any male head with any male outfit from Kotor, and I just randomly decided to use the twi'lek head:


Yes, Revan's robes are part of the KotorBase package :P This means you can be Darth Deadeye Duncan, but let me show you normal Revan:


Oh hi Weequay, I'd like to welcome you to the Jedi Academy. Here you will learn the ways of the force, along with history, diplomacy, and more.


These next two look like they are straight out of KotOR :P

