Behold, the ultimate compilation of KotOR skins and models for JKA. This pack contains 61 characters, and one extra Terantanak npc. Most characters in this pack contain Blue and Red team colours, or alternative costumes. Try experimenting by using /model [model]/[number/unique word] to try to see if you can find unique costumes.
Pack contains these skins:
Ajunta Pall
Darth Bandon
Bao Dur
Bastila Shan
Bith (people who play in Cantina's)
Brianna (the last handmaiden from KotOR 2)
Calo Nord
Canderous Ordo
Carth Onasi
Dark Jedi
Darth Traya / Kreia (Uses one hand, if dual wielding, two sabers = one hand)
Derrik (KotOR 1 Revan, while still a 'pawn' of the Jedi Council)
Master Dorak
Dustil Onasi
KotOR 1 Revan with Jedi robes
KotOR Twi'lek with Jedi robes
Iridonian / Zarbrak with Jedi robes
Kel' Dor with Jedi robes
KotOR Twi'leks
Jolee Bindo
Ithorians from KotOR
Rodians from KotOR
Sith Officer from KotOR
Darth Malak
Alek (Malak, while a jedi. Skinname = Malek)
Mandalore from KotOR 2 (removable helmet)
Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders from KotOR
Mira from KotOR 2
Mission Vao
Darth Nihilus
Old Republican Soldier (without helmet)
Opo Chano (mechanic from KotOR 2)
Rakatan Warrior
Old Republican Soldier (with helmet)
Darth Revan from KotOR
Selkath from KotOR
Darth Sion
Sith Assassins from KotOR 2
Sith Soldier
Sullustans from KotOR 2
Kadas'sa'Nikto from KotOR 1
Darth Revan from SWTOR
Queen Talia of Onderon
Twi'lek females
Master Vandar
Visas from KotOR 2
Master Zhar
with guest appearances of
UPDATE 2/8/2016 12:09 -
Tell me if there are any errors, and sorry but no pix since most of these are ports and the ones that aren't are still decent enough to still have, since they were made by me or approved by me
Pack contains these skins:
Ajunta Pall
Darth Bandon
Bao Dur
Bastila Shan
Bith (people who play in Cantina's)
Brianna (the last handmaiden from KotOR 2)
Calo Nord
Canderous Ordo
Carth Onasi
Dark Jedi
Darth Traya / Kreia (Uses one hand, if dual wielding, two sabers = one hand)
Derrik (KotOR 1 Revan, while still a 'pawn' of the Jedi Council)
Master Dorak
Dustil Onasi
KotOR 1 Revan with Jedi robes
KotOR Twi'lek with Jedi robes
Iridonian / Zarbrak with Jedi robes
Kel' Dor with Jedi robes
KotOR Twi'leks
Jolee Bindo
Ithorians from KotOR
Rodians from KotOR
Sith Officer from KotOR
Darth Malak
Alek (Malak, while a jedi. Skinname = Malek)
Mandalore from KotOR 2 (removable helmet)
Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders from KotOR
Mira from KotOR 2
Mission Vao
Darth Nihilus
Old Republican Soldier (without helmet)
Opo Chano (mechanic from KotOR 2)
Rakatan Warrior
Old Republican Soldier (with helmet)
Darth Revan from KotOR
Selkath from KotOR
Darth Sion
Sith Assassins from KotOR 2
Sith Soldier
Sullustans from KotOR 2
Kadas'sa'Nikto from KotOR 1
Darth Revan from SWTOR
Queen Talia of Onderon
Twi'lek females
Master Vandar
Visas from KotOR 2
Master Zhar
with guest appearances of
UPDATE 2/8/2016 12:09 -
Tell me if there are any errors, and sorry but no pix since most of these are ports and the ones that aren't are still decent enough to still have, since they were made by me or approved by me

There once was a member of this land,
A humerous posting he had planned.
But when he posted,
By mods he was toasted,
And he had found himself banned.

A humerous posting he had planned.
But when he posted,
By mods he was toasted,
And he had found himself banned.