Who's at what rank?
 #139323  by Samantha Crow
Kitty would like to request a system Jamming?
Can Jammey be kitty master if no knight has the time?
Please Please I gave master Jammer my intentions?
Would like single to be my first saber.

Ps. i know you are busy jammer i am not in a hury.
 #139324  by Frog
Whoa, Kitty, what's with the Capital's? and the question marks? and the dots? Getting serious here? XD
 #139326  by Jawa
If this is an official master request it should be in Rosters ^^
 #139328  by Falcon

There are currently 5 single saber Knights. I'd like to give them a chance to reply here first.
 #139334  by Clank
@Knights dont be shy to step up, kitty doesnt scratch. Remember you need this if you ever want to get to guardian. (Btw Kitty dont scratch them)
 #139435  by Samantha Crow
Thanks for the reply's ill take anyone willing to do it.
I just talked to Jammer first i have time not in a rush.
He was the first one that trains single willing to talk about it.
Thanks again jammer for the talk and saying you would help if no one had time.
Not trying to jump ranks just make it to knight so maybe i can get tele and help with admin.
This is basically what i told jammy.

Ps. thanks for moving this had no idea where to post it :lol:
 #139455  by Key
Get in contact with one of the single knights then if you're OK with it! Jack has offered to teach you but you must confirm that you want him as your master! :)
 #139547  by Samantha Crow
http://s1305.photobucket.com/user/Judit ... s/library/

Sorry for the crappy pic and vid best i could do with what i had at time and key wanted me to decide.
The toss end'ed tails so Mr.Nebu gets the job.
Lol thanks for confusing me falcon i thought you was for real when said anzy was master lol.