Show off your sexy skins and models here!

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 #139151  by Jawa
The lack of Jolee is saddening :'(
 #139154  by Hiicrop
Jawa wrote:The lack of Jolee is saddening :'(
I completely agree with you. Jolee Bindo is worthy of his very own skin pack and game!
 #139198  by Mandalorian
I actually have a more expanded version of the kotor skins, includes more aliens, more outfits, few characters, etc. Some I made, some I randomly found.

I also actually found a new skin today:

But yeah, the extra skins I have are:


Bao Dur
Dark Jedi (actual ones, not reborn retextures :P)
Kotor 2 Duros
Queen Talia
Master Vandar
Kadas'sa'Nikto specie

My additions / retextures

Republic Soldier
Zaalbar (a good one)
Jolee Bindo
Multiple Twi'lek skins
Different Armours for Dustil
Different Armours for Revan (derrik)