I believe this post is over like a last month. But anyway, I'll try to explains as I can Akuma. Suppose if you have a full screen on and you want to get on youtube, or whatever. You can minimizer to get there, without have to leave the game and get there by going back and forth. It's easier that ways, so you can minimizer to check at other things, then you can resume back. Utility is not only a requirement to make you can minimizer. I don't have my full screen on, but a windowed mode. I still can press " -" to mini, and to resume back to the game, it's already at start button at bottom.
Now for an utility, depending on what utility do you use, if you're using uu16 or uu17a, you can type a command or say in public by putting !mini in order to minmized, depend if you know how to installed the utility correctly and make sure it's works smoothly. I hope everything I explained may helps you.