Anything you wanna add to this crazy world? Put in here!
 #138440  by Frog
Oh hi guys X> Zal and I had a very calm and collected (That's sarcastic BTW ) discussion about two titans fighting it out. The theory about this is that Batman was in the Star wars universe, so he'd have Star wars technology. I personally think he would win, because Vader is made up of robotic servos and hardware. Not only is Batman a Grandmaster 90001/10 of technology, he is literally a grandmaster at everything he does, rank wise. Intellect? 90001/10. Physical strength, speed, agility, toughness, gymnastics? 90001/10. That, plus the fact that Batman has trained with swords before, he would be able to use his predicting techniques to bait and confuse Vader.

" Physical and Mental peak " as in, he has reached beyond the regular human limits. He has the absolute pinnacle of human's rights to that kind of power. Darth Vader, on the other hand, though a Jedi, is still human. Anything he does to outdo Batman would have to be done with the Force, which I will get to in a minute.
Batman's gadgets have but is NEVER limited to:

EMP rifle, Explosives, Batarangs, Explosive Batarangs, Sonic Batarangs, Smoke Batarangs, Electric Batarangs, Hacking Batarangs, Remote control Batarangs, Thick, thin, sharp, and blunt Batarangs. Grapple gun, Grapple rifle, Shock Gloves, Sub-zero Gloves, Fire gloves, Combat gloves, armor gloves, Concussion Grenades, Disruptor Rifles, Cryptographic sequencers, Line launchers, Freeze Grenades, Glue Grenades, Explosive Gel, Remote controls to the Batmobile, Batwing, and Batpod.

Now the armor: Strong, and flexible, and originally designed for advanced infantry use. The Chest plate is made of a fire-resistant material composed of meta-aramid fibers. When exposed to heat or open flame, the fibers carbonize and bond, becoming thicker and creating a protective barrier. This prevents teh suit from igniting or melting and protects the wearer for up to several minutes or hours. Each armor piece is refined to its simplest and most functional form.

So imagine all that tech up there ^ Only years ahead of Star wars tech. Ho-ly crap.

Batman is knowledgeable on EVERY SINGLE FORM OF COMBAT KNOWN TO MAN. That is a extremely imperative part right there. Every close, long, medium range combat Batman has mastered from top to bottom. Ladies, gentlemen, we are talking about a freaking dangerous man right here ^

One of Batman's most noticeable feats is to analyse people the moment he makes contact with them. He sees Vader, and his mind gets all the info he can get from his body language, choice of armor, what kind of armor it is, what that thing on his belt is, what it could do, reference earlier events to find out if necessary. All done before a second is over.
Oh mahh gershh

This makes for a unrivaled genius and combatant. That being said, let's move on to Vader's Force, as it presents the greatest danger to Batman.
If Batman was living in the Star wars universe, I believe that he would've surely discovered the Ysalamiri ( A creature originated from the planet Myrkr, which created living bubbles from the Force. The more there are, the bigger the bubble field would be. ) WAYY before the Empire would. Keep in mind, the Empire and Rebellion to Batman at this point would be the same thing to the Criminal and Police force to him.

So that is a essential piece to why this would be a fight I simply think Vader could not win. People say that Batman needs preparation? heck, the man could even GUESS that he'd fight Vader and he'd be prepared. Remember, we are not simply just dropping them into a white room and saying '' Fight! ''. There has to be a reason, and I am sure that Batman would either be sent or he would go himself to confront him.

Uh-uh, big no no for villains. It's true, if you give Batman like a full five seconds he could possibly create a black hole in the universe just by using a toothpick and some toilet paper. If he gets SENT there, ohhh booyyy I think Vader is in for some Dark, Dark, Knights..

Anyway, that's my opinion. I'd like to hear your guys' thoughts.
My favored is Batman!
 #138443  by Gollum
Vader would force grip him and toss him into space, batman would attempt to use his anti-space spray but by the time he prepares it he's already dead.

It was a nice fight up until vader walked onto the field.
 #138457  by Zaluk
Gollum wrote:Vader would force grip him and toss him into space, batman would attempt to use his anti-space spray but by the time he prepares it he's already dead.

It was a nice fight up until vader walked onto the field.
Sums it up pretty nicely. Vader's much faster and Batman can't even touch him.
 #138462  by Frog
I know of that video. But I read that in THEIR cannon, Batman won. So basically, he's beaten Vader, Wolverine, DeadPool, and some others. He has't lost a single fight so far XD

Edit: The alternative video is the cannon.
 #138467  by Zaluk
The fight itself it's a fanmade thing and shouldn't be used as a reliable source. It's clear they weren't trying to portray a realistic fight, otherwise Vader would have won in a second.

He's simply too powerful
He dismantles an AT-AT with only Telekinesis

And too fast
Here he deflects omnidirectional lasers from all sides casually.
This is all canon as well.
 #138478  by Frog
I will not pretend I can emulate Batman's supernaturally enhanced mind, but say I felt a bubble of invisible Force interacting with the environment around me, and say, suddenly a wall was thrown at me. My mind would race in a millisecond, and I would decide to see if I could get Vader to focus the Force on himself, not on me. ( like he said in the video )
Batman would turn the tables around, by forcing Vader to use the Force on HIMSELF, HOW YOU MAY ASK?!?!?!?! Well, he IS half machine more than man, so it's time to disable the suit via Gadgetry. I will either use my Disruptor, Electric Rifle, EMP Rifle, my Batmobile EMP device, or all of them TOGETHER!!!! RAAAHHHH!!
Well, with that in mind, that would near-destroy any electronics OUTRIGHT. Darth would either HAVE to focus his attention on himself with the Force or he would die from the lack of attention to the machine keeping him alive. That leaves Vader with only one weapon: his Lightsaber, which Batman would be more than familiar with; he HAS trained in Close, Medium, and Long range. Mastered 'em all. That means sword, fist, gun, bomb, projectile, all of that. At that point, Vader would be Batman's to take down in any way he wants. Be it stealth, gadgets, physical, all three even.
 #138479  by Zaluk
Frog Redstar wrote:I will not pretend I can emulate Batman's supernaturally enhanced mind, but say I felt a bubble of invisible Force interacting with the environment around me, and say, suddenly a wall was thrown at me. My mind would race in a millisecond, and I would decide to see if I could get Vader to focus the Force on himself, not on me. ( like he said in the video )
Batman would turn the tables around, by forcing Vader to use the Force on HIMSELF, HOW YOU MAY ASK?!?!?!?! Well, he IS half machine more than man, so it's time to disable the suit via Gadgetry. I will either use my Disruptor, Electric Rifle, EMP Rifle, my Batmobile EMP device, or all of them TOGETHER!!!! RAAAHHHH!!
Well, with that in mind, that would near-destroy any electronics OUTRIGHT. Darth would either HAVE to focus his attention on himself with the Force or he would die from the lack of attention to the machine keeping him alive. That leaves Vader with only one weapon: his Lightsaber, which Batman would be more than familiar with; he HAS trained in Close, Medium, and Long range. Mastered 'em all. That means sword, fist, gun, bomb, projectile, all of that. At that point, Vader would be Batman's to take down in any way he wants. Be it stealth, gadgets, physical, all three even.
Batman can't touch Vader with those weapons, he's too fast. Also, Batman would not be familiar with a lightsaber. He's none force sensitive, he doesn't know how it feels, the weight of the blade etc. Not to mention that Vader is more skilled in bladework. But let's say Batman manages to somehow disable Vader's suit. Vader has used dark rage before to keep him going even after this has happened and he gets more angry than hurt. If this does happen, Batman would die by getting his throat crushed. But that would happen at the start.
 #138480  by Difionex
This shouldn't even be discussed. Vader would stomp Batman deep into the ground. Easy fight, no sweat and no effort at all.