Anything you wanna add to this crazy world? Put in here!
 #138201  by Frog
So, I have had this maddening passion about figuring out just what the heck is this '/.) face I have seen before. This is only a half joke, as I am REALLY BOTHERED BY THIS LACK OF EXPLANATION.

So, let us begin with the basic concept.


Okay, so, after enlarging the image, we get roughly this:
Now, the basic tradition of reading chat emotes is to view them sideways, such as the : ) face.
So in that, we get:
It seems that the lower stick is to be the lip, and one eye is above it and a hat is above. The problem, however, is that there is a dot on top, as if to suggest that perhaps it is not a hat, but a additional feature not recognized.

The way the face is used is generally universal, without true motivation behind it. That being said, the face would have to remain relatively neutral to be all-purpose.

If we were to look at it rightside up, without the usual exceptions when viewing a text-emote, it sort of looks like a guy who got crushed between two elevator doors.

If anyone could provide a raw answer for me that'd be nice. I had asked and asked but no answers were clear.
 #138203  by Yama
tell ya what frog if you get the time could you tell me what all these faces mean. Im old with no idea.. Then I may not what half of you are saying to each other sometimes lol
 #138204  by Frog
o_o I find your lack of clarification disturbing.
 #138218  by Frog
 #138247  by Frog
This topic has been rather unhelpful to answers |:<
 #138251  by Awful
Frog it's actually %) and from Wikipedia
This emoticon means drunk or confused. The face looks confused but I don't think I've ever seen it used in the right context. Mainly when people are trying to be goofy or they are drunk.
 #138252  by Frog
 #138257  by Frog
 #138297  by Key
@Frog, click here for enlightenment

I'm sure we all know who uses this emoticon consistently (and in the "wrong context"). I have never seen it used anywhere else on the whole internet, in all my years of being able to read and use the interwebs in general.
 #138301  by Frog
It still looks like a face crushed in a elevator. That was the first impression I had with that blasted face.
 #138309  by Kirito
the only thing missing from this topic is sif's wat edit.
 #138315  by Jack Skywalker
Kirito wrote:the only thing missing from this topic is sif's wat edit.
When 1 "wat" isn't enough... and that 3 "wat" edit is still not enough... we can try something like this:

 #138326  by Hiicrop
I know what it means. I won't reveal it though. Dizzy D was wrongly banned.

He was a legend. A fire that was snuffed out before it's light was at its brightest.

I'll give you a hint. There is more to the code.

Other images besides the one. GOOD LUCK

 #138329  by Frog
I already know what it means now thanks to Awful. And KR does not wrongly ban ^v^
 #138448  by Veneratus
I am crying now, Frog! :D
 #138449  by Frog
 #139158  by Samantha Crow
I just seen this for the first time and Bwwwahahahahahaha.
Dizzy D made that emot Ja famous when we was playing with EK.
It's Dizzy D in a gucci bandana.
Thanks for the EK flash back Frog. :lol:
 #139202  by Potassium
Awful wrote:Frog it's actually %) and from Wikipedia
This emoticon means drunk or confused. The face looks confused but I don't think I've ever seen it used in the right context. Mainly when people are trying to be goofy or they are drunk.
I've been asking this question for years, Awful. Years. With Dizzy D being out of the picture, I'm glad to have some closure on that face. I hope that's what he was going for, he's usually drunk as far as I'm aware. Anyway. Thanks, awful.
 #139207  by Awful
Google is the greatest %)