Who's at what rank?
 #137716  by Toasteagle
Greetings! I, Toast, doeth h'reby f'rmally and most politely requesteth that clank, his eminence, wouldst be so gracious as to impart upon me some p'rtion of his colossal wisdom and ineffable und'rstanding, that i may ascend to the gentle ranketh of jedi knight.

Most Sinc'rely,
 #137727  by Clank
And I accept this small village peasant as my apprentice to accompany me on a road of awesome
 #137743  by jawfin

You could at least pretend there are no interested Knights before posting your acceptance. So, I'll let another Council approve this.
 #137744  by Clank
The only active knight in single is Defeatedz but he already showed interest in Lurch. Thats why I accepted already \o/
 #137930  by Clank
Le bump~
 #138071  by Kirito
lol "gentle" jedi knight.

Good luck with your training toast.
 #138109  by Ted
That's quite alright! Good luck you two. I'm currently having some pc issues so might be afk for a little until it's sorted.
 #138171  by Falcon
Clank + Toast = approved

Stuff updated~