Check out what is happening with the servers!
 #133611  by jawfin
NFO said they're changing something-or-other with the server and it'll be offline until they are done - but can't say when.
 #137775  by jawfin
NFO says they are doing work on our virtual machine which hosts the game so it'll be offline for 30 to 60 minutes.
 #137784  by Dephyre
I think NFO messed up a bit, I'm getting hella lag with my low ping bruv......or it could just be me idk
 #138087  by Samantha Crow
Did not know where to post this.
Server says 85% of the pings are 999 when i look at server.
I also can't load in it stops at snapshot and disconnects.
can't be my net or game other servers running fine.
when i look at menu after it disconnects me my name is on server with 999 ping.
 #138088  by Cloud
Having an issue myself. Loads up to 'blue cube' and then crashes instantly each time i attempt to join the server
 #138096  by comedy_squad
Cloud wrote:Having an issue myself. Loads up to 'blue cube' and then crashes instantly each time i attempt to join the server
im getting this same problem too. its making me go crazy
 #138097  by Awful
For some reason it's letting me connect
 #138106  by jawfin
It seems to be running OK now. The server has had peak capacity for several hours running - 32 people on and I am seeing a heap of connect rejections as the server is full. Maybe it is how your client/game behaves to a full server which is giving this error - but of course without any information (screenshots or logs) I have absolutely no idea.

"Hey mechanic, my car squeaks."
"What kind of car is it?"
"A squeaky one"
 #138526  by Sanction
both servers are down
 #148879  by jawfin
Expect a bit of downtime in the next 24 to 48 hours as our host is changing the switch on their provider.
 #148891  by Rogue
Jawfin wrote:Expect a bit of downtime in the next 24 to 48 hours as our host is changing the switch on their provider.
I guess that could means we all would feel spikes that can be from NFO
 #148913  by jawfin
The transfer has been complete.

And No Rogue, changing switches effectively means pulling the cable out of one socket and plugging it into another (I am being overly simplistic) - which would mean compete disconnection during that time = unreachable.
 #148975  by jawfin
This message from NFO: -
We have received threats from an anonymous third party demanding that we shut down a customer or face DDoS attacks against all of our customers in Dallas. We take these threats seriously. We have turned back up our second circuit and we are following up with Internap about possible new filters to assist with fighting them as they occur.

A few brief attacks have already happened. If attacks continue, some clients may see bursts of packet loss tonight.
It would seem that the current server outage may be due to that. If so, I accept this as I would prefer to see NFO counter the attack rather than compromise with some scumbags. If it's offline for too long I'll get in touch with them, but for now I'll see if we can wait it out - I'm sure they are busy enough without having to deal with petty questions from me!
 #148981  by Rogue
Jawfin wrote:This message from NFO: -
We have received threats from an anonymous third party demanding that we shut down a customer or face DDoS attacks against all of our customers in Dallas. We take these threats seriously. We have turned back up our second circuit and we are following up with Internap about possible new filters to assist with fighting them as they occur.

A few brief attacks have already happened. If attacks continue, some clients may see bursts of packet loss tonight.
It would seem that the current server outage may be due to that. If so, I accept this as I would prefer to see NFO counter the attack rather than compromise with some scumbags. If it's offline for too long I'll get in touch with them, but for now I'll see if we can wait it out - I'm sure they are busy enough without having to deal with petty questions from me!
Accorded to Jawfin and NFO, we just got server lagging with connection interruption, recently, and we're still see spiking issues.

Edit: Some of players are receiving 999 pings and has already been timed out
 #148982  by Rogue
Seems like it has calm down @Doublepost
 #149223  by jawfin
Message from NFO for downtime for the server, for the 8th of Sept, CTZ: -
Between 12:30am and 4am local time for your service on Thursday, September 8, we plan to gracefully shut down your VDS, upgrade the machine hosting it to an updated version of Xen/Linux, reboot the machine, and bring your VDS back online. We expect for this process to cause approximately 30-60 minutes of downtime for your service.
 #149242  by Rogue
Jawfin wrote:Message from NFO for downtime for the server, for the 8th of Sept, CTZ: -
Between 12:30am and 4am local time for your service on Thursday, September 8, we plan to gracefully shut down your VDS, upgrade the machine hosting it to an updated version of Xen/Linux, reboot the machine, and bring your VDS back online. We expect for this process to cause approximately 30-60 minutes of downtime for your service.
I think that is what caused server to be shutted down, it was down recently at 1:58am CDT for me

Edit: It's looks like it didn't last long, it was up.
 #150885  by jawfin
Message from nfo our host.
Upcoming Xen upgrade with reboot @ 1:30am CST on Nov 21.

We are planning to reboot the machine hosting your VDS at approximately 1:30am CST on November 21, 2016, in order to upgrade it to the most recent version of Xen. This is necessary because the new version includes a fix for a newly-discovered, critical Xen vulnerability.
 #153739  by HolyWarrior
I think server browser tracker is down just wanted to let you know.. server is up but the tracker in this website is offline.
 #153740  by HolyWarrior
I think server browser tracker is down just wanted to let you know.. server is up but the tracker in this website is offline. (update) Nevermind it came back on. Must be my end.
 #157869  by cf.Steak
Can't connect via console, or in-game server list, either.
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