Minimizers, kill trackers, programs you use, post them here.


 #136856  by Lurch
Anyone know where I can download a newer version of the Ultra Utility for windows 8? The old Beta 16 version doesn't work with it on my computer. GAWD I miss windows XP so much. :(
 #136857  by Zabuza
Did you run it in compatibility mode?

Edit: Ew, windows 8
 #136859  by Falcon :)
Zabuza wrote: Ew, windows 8
 #136860  by Lurch
Idk what compatibility mode is.
 #136861  by Falcon
Right-click on it, click properties. Click on the compatibility tab, and you have the option to run it as if it were on a different operating system.
 #136862  by Lurch
Now THAT was easy. lol Now to try it in game. Many thanks. :mrgreen: :D 8)
 #136863  by Lurch
Nope. still can't minimize to go to desktop.
 #136865  by Falcon
When you're in game do !about and see if it pulls up the normal message in your chat.

Did you try the newer version?
 #136866  by Lurch
k I'll try !about. I didn't know of a newer version no.
 #136867  by Lurch
!about no workey either.
 #136871  by Zabuza
Are you using steam to run JKA?
 #136875  by Lurch
No I don't have steam. I have the original game discs.
 #136879  by Raz0r
What do you specifically need UU for? There may be alternatives available if you can't get it working after all.
 #136882  by Lurch
To minimize the game while IN game and go to desktop without having to always leave the game and come back again.
I tried the Q3 minimizer. It didn't work so I deleted it.
 #136886  by John
Set custom resolution in the base cfg file to whatever your desktop res is and then play in windowed mode
 #136901  by Berserker
Or openjk which lets you alt+tab or q3e minimizer...
 #136906  by Raz0r
Lurch wrote:To minimize the game while IN game and go to desktop without having to always leave the game and come back again.
I tried the Q3 minimizer. It didn't work so I deleted it.
^ Yeah, definitely use OpenJK. You can switch from fullscreen mode with alt+tab or use /minimize
 #137173  by Sifodias
Lurch wrote:No I don't have steam. I have the original game discs.
Could you please upload your jamp.exe ? pleaaaaase we need it to get UU work
 #137191  by Rogue
I don't think updating jamp.exe would make any difference for UU, it just how you enter the game and how's the systems works, it have nothing to do with an utility.
 #137192  by Sifodias
I read many times that replacing the jamp does the trick
 #137193  by Rogue
sifodias wrote:I read many times that replacing the jamp does the trick
But will that really works for Lurch ? He use Window 8. I am not sure if that would do a tricks, I know nothing about Window 8.
 #137203  by Sifodias
Lurch did you try to update to 8.1 ?
 #137205  by Lurch
I have windows 8.1 I just call it 8. maybe what I'll do it take my computer in to a tech and have him totally remove windows 8.1 and install windows XP which is what I was good with in the first place. IDC what Bill Gates and Microsoft have to say about it. lol.
 #137207  by Falcon
I believe Microsoft is still offering free copies of Windows 10. Maybe try upgrading to that?

I would advise against XP. Microsoft stop releasing updates to that OS last year. Major security risk.
 #137208  by Sifodias
Falcon wrote:I believe Microsoft is still offering free copies of Windows 10. Maybe try upgrading to that?

I would advise against XP. Microsoft stop releasing updates to that OS last year. Major security risk.
oh yeah right ! Since you're under windows 8 you can upgrade to 10 for free