If you've decided to leave KR, let it be known here!
 #135912  by Lothar
Hello KR, oldies and new players alike.

I'll try to be concise! so I'm just going to come out straight with it and bite the bullet so to speak, I've been a member of KR for 6 almost 7 long years, I've literally grown up with this clan being a part of my life and leading me along a path of social & mental development that I could not have achieved without it. I can remember alot of important life lessons I learned while playing on kr1 & interacting with my fellow clan members from learning self control & discipline to knowing when to speak and when to stay silent. I applied to join this clan after being invited by Taipan on Sunday the 25th of October and my vote passed on the 6th of November, despite being a young 14 year old I was brought into a highly prestigious and honorable clan that helped me to develop not just as a person but as an individual, I met some great people on my KR journey who are no longer with us, some still are. I remember my first master Phreedom Phighter (Admittedly he bailed on me 50% through my training but I was soon picked up off my feet by the person who taught me most of what I know about single saber, thanks Jonathan your the best!) and I also remember my other masters who contributed to my gameplay, AJ, Falcon and John (Although unoffically I would never have passed my second masters trial for duals without your help) and it was one of the proudest moments of my "Career?" for lack of a better term to become a KR Master and help out where possible.

All I can say is thank you all, not just for your advice and training on saber skills but for your kindness and understanding on one if not all of my many balls ups.

Now this part of my message will take a more blunt approach. I truly hope no one who reads this and is relevant to will take this as an attack upon them but I feel it needs to be said for the sake of the clan as a whole:

I love this clan and it's members, especially certain ones who I've known for many years but I feel as if my time in KR has come to an end, I feel like I can go no further and I've accepted in my heart that I am not suited to certain roles & tasks within KR however I strongly believe that some of us oldies need to step aside and let the new generations of KR take charge in more prominent roles most notably that of Jedi Arbiters, Please don't mistake this for bitterness or hate, but for the same reasons I believe those who are inactive for long periods of time should step down from their positions and allow new generations to take those roles I am stepping down as writer of the KR news, I love writing the news and would gladly have done it for many years to come but even I cannot deny that my activity and frequency of writing them has dropped like a stone! So I'm proud to announce after talking to Jaw that none other than Deathsycthe will be taking over my old role of KR news writer, I wish you the best of luck DS and don't forget my offer, if you ever need a hand I'm happy to give what aid I can.

This is a more personal part of this message, a few names I feel I have to mention.

Jonathan you have been my mentor in more ways than one since I joined this clan, I have known and still know to this day that if I ever have to rely on anyone to be there for me that you will be that person, in my own way I love you as both a friend and teacher, I truly hope that you remain a council member in this clan for years to come so that others may benefit from having you around as I have.

Falcon I know we have never been on the most chatty of terms although I won't say it's through me not trying to reach out, but I am aware that you have a life of your own and being a figurehead within KR is a busy job at the best of times. I admire your commitment to KR and the strength of your personality.

John me and you have had a less close relationship than the above but I'd just like to say that the biggest thing I like about you is your blunt honesty, some people believe that honesty can be a weakness but I completly disagree, I think it's one of your greatest traits and I truly admire you for it, it takes great strength to tell someone "How it is" rather than sugar coating a situation, I won't forget you as you didn't forget me during my long absence, take care my friend and stick true to yourself.

Dyyor I know you may not ever get the chance to read this but I just need to say that you are possibly one of the best friends I've ever had, you would never judge me no matter who or what I became / was. That trait is hard to find in someone, a pure heart is what you have my friend and I will truly miss you.

I have only one more thing to say and It comes from the bottom of my heart, I love you KR. I will never forget you and if you ever need my help then I will not hesitate to come to your aid.

With love

~ J4ten, ^Zen, Forgotten, Aeddan, Lothar
 #135916  by Frog
Goodness gracious, I am crying right now. I believe I have only met you a couple of times, but I must say I admire how you take a humble and sensible approach to a leave. I agree to honesty being a strength too, and I think wisdom is a trait that you carry like a proud flag. I can say that you will contribute to life just as much as you did KR. I wish you a good life, sir.
 #135919  by jawfin
Who are you again?

I didn't know you were leaving the clan you nub :P

Do well in life, though of course we'll be in touch anyways <3
 #135921  by deathscyth
goodbye Lothar you will truly be remembered by all you were a amazing writer as-well i hope i can keep the news as well formed as you did my friend good luck on your life and always remember your family will always be here for you
 #135927  by Jawa
Definitely did not see this coming, i'm not gonna say bye cause I hope we'll always stay in touch! It was an absolute pleasure meeting you friend I wish you the best for the future, take care!

~your little aussie bud
 #135928  by Zaluk
It really is upsetting to see members like you go. Though we didn't talk as much as I'd have liked, you're someone I respect and I'm glad to have met you.

I wish you the best of luck with life. Farewell, Lothar.
 #135972  by Mandalorian
Farewell Lothar. I see your point for leaving, I mean, when I came back like 50% of the clan was either new or didn't remember me, this was a new generation of members. But... I don't think I could leave this clan just yet. The members now are just as valuable as the members long gone, the new generation was after all chosen by the last generation. And this clan is too great to leave for me.

I'd assume you just feel this way about the clan, and will at least show up on the server from time to time? Pls? D:
 #135975  by John
I'm saddened to see you go. Still not sure why you are leaving either.
 #135980  by Sakito
its sad to see you go Loth :( you were always a good friend to me. Actually you ARE a good friend to me!!
Take care!! and drop by sometimes!!!

~Love <3
Sakito Sho-Ryu-Ken
 #135982  by Wolferion
Best of wishes, Lothar. May it go well, and don't be shy to come around!
 #135983  by Difionex
I'll never forget the fun times we've had ;c
Take care!
 #135985  by Lothar
I think theres some confusion.

I am leaving the clan not because there is a bunch of stranger new members but because I believe that it's the right thing to do, I've become very stagnant in the clan the last two years and I'm in a certain position in my life at the moment that requires alot of my attention and energy.

I will always have time & love for KR when I'm needed but I am not needed annd I don't want to become "That guy" thats on the roster nobody truly knows. This isn't a split second decision leave, I've been thinking about it for quite some time now and spoken to people about it.

And don't worry I'll defo be popping on the server every now and then! (Member or not you are still my online family!) I can be that creepy uncle you invite around for Christmas that no one recognizes!
 #135994  by StarHunter
Goodbye Loth I didn't have time to read through your whole things so i'll do it later but i just wanted to say Bye have a good time ceya buddy.
 #135998  by Rogue
Good bye Loth, you will be missed, I am sure we have good duel moment last year
 #136001  by Jr.
Take care, Lothar. I didn't get to know you well, but its always a bummer to see members like you leave. I hope to see you every now and then on the server.
 #136009  by Falcon
Sorry to see you go Lothar :( I apologize for not being more sociable, but I did enjoy talking with you!

Take care of yourself, and keep in touch Paddy <3
 #136021  by MasterM
Take care lothar, I hope life treats you well :(
 #136032  by Jack Skywalker
Lothar wrote: I don't want to become "That guy" thats on the roster nobody truly knows.
Then you should get to know the "new generation" better (even if you're inactive), not leave :?

 #136057  by Difionex
Jack Skywalker wrote:
Lothar wrote: I don't want to become "That guy" thats on the roster nobody truly knows.
Then you should get to know the "new generation" better (even if you're inactive), not leave :?

How would he get to know the ''new generation'' if he's inactive though?
Lothar wrote:I am leaving the clan not because there is a bunch of stranger new members
 #136058  by Midgetathlete
Take care fellow Welshman, I enjoyed the times we chatted during my Padawan-Jedi days on the server, before you became busy. Do take care of yourself, AS A 1/3rd WELSH I DEMANd IT OF THEE.
 #136061  by Jack Skywalker
Daldumin wrote: How would he get to know the ''new generation'' if he's inactive though?
He also said he's going to come to the server sometimes.
 #136068  by Thunderbird
Midgetathlete wrote: AS A 1/3rd WELSH I DEMANd IT OF THEE.
Wait, 1/3rd? how is that even possible? Do you mean third generation Welsh?
 #136090  by toon
sad to see you go loth.. i wish you only the best and and that you keep in mind that we will still be here if you change your mind.
 #136238  by AJ
As long as you stay in touch and come back around the server, as you said, I can't be upset. :>
Have fun, and enjoy life!