Show off any maps you've made or would recommend!
 #135583  by Rogue
I thought and figured out why not I go ahead post a maplists since you guys all know that jk3files is long dead, and most of these maplist were linked to that jk3files. So after I heard someone who's have saving jk3files maps, mods,etc... to restores those before jk3files down. So here is what Mr. Wonko say below

In the summer of 2015 the filefront network sites went offline. This included, also known as, which hosted mods for Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy. Coincidentally I had crawled the page just a few weeks earlier, creating a backup because I feared it might go offline some day; I did not expect it to happen so soon. I now host this backup here in the interest of preserving these mods.

I don't hold the copyright of any of these mods, those lie with their original authors. If you are an author of one of these mods and don't want me to host it here, feel free to contact me at and I will take it offline. I don't accept new mods; a good place to submit those is JKHub. This is merely a historical archive.

A torrent containing all the mods, their screenshots and the metadata is also available, but due to its high number of files (over 40.000) some clients have trouble handling it. I have successfully used Tixati and rtorrent though.

- mrwonko

Ok, here's a KR Maplist links below:

Knight Reborn Map: (Key or anyone probably could put in there)
The Academy V2 - (Outdate, link dead)
Sith Council V2 - ... All/43812/
ZoU (Zone of Ultima Fortress - ... All/26249/
Jedi Holmes (JL) II - ... All/45505/
Battle of the Bowl - ... All/64169/
Souless Stadium - ... All/41546/
DoA Flight Arena - ... All/26516/
Zion - ... All/27033/

I hope you guys have fun with these maps, so I decide to post it so you can download these easier from the old post that linked to jk3files which is already dead.

So anyway, you may post a links if I forgot anything and it'll be add
 #135595  by Rogue
This maps aren't used for KR1 (main server), We only use a base maps and single player maps to avoid from traffic where they have to require to download maps if that was custom, they might not know where they can download and/or if they know where to put on the base folder. But you can use these custom maps to explore around and those maps are very enjoyable and fun. I hope that answers to your question :)
 #135627  by Rogue
CloneWarsJedi wrote:Is it happening with jk3files only, or is it happening with JKHub too?
Jk3files is shutted off and long dead, so only jk3files
 #143256  by Lurch
Ok cool Rogue. I didn't see this post before. You beat me to it then. lol. And here I thought I made a major discovery. hahahahah.
 #155372  by Rogue
Stay Tune with this thread. This will need some works, and I promise this will be sticky when it's done!