Check out what is happening with the servers!
 #134461  by jawfin
You might want to tone it down some Jack.

So to trim the fluff from your post people in general want duel6 removed from rotation?
 #134462  by Jack Skywalker
Jawfin wrote:You might want to tone it down some Jack.
Er... sorry? I didn't notice I was talking rude :( I got messed up with Gollum's talk :?
Jawfin wrote:So to trim the fluff from your post people in general want duel6 removed from rotation?
I'm not sure, I'm just saying that duel6 is the less liked map and asking what you there think about replacing it with t1_danger, I didn't know it was going to come this high.

All Gollum's fault, as usual. (jk :P )
 #134622  by Clank
Jack Skywalker wrote:It's just come here and post your opinion about my idea
*cough* thread hijacking *cough*
 #134651  by Yama
I wasn't meaning remove anything from rotation just add one.
 #134653  by Jack Skywalker
Anyways, now duel6 was replaced by ffa5. Not what I expected (I don't like ffa5), but happily it changed to a better map, and most like ffa5. I really think you had better choices, but now it's done and all that I can say is thanks for changing it :D
Yama wrote:I wasn't meaning remove anything from rotation just add one.
Aw, the topic owner came back :lol:
Remember that if you add a map to the rotation, you need to replace other. By other side, you would need to make the day have 25.5 hours instead of 24 :P
 #134658  by jawfin
To break it down: -
  • t1_danger: not good for FFA, people don't like this map much, and with the swoop spawns its more of a switch to when bored map.
  • Wedge: exact same as danger, except space ships! And people with less powerful computers get low FPS
  • t3_rift: not good for ffa, too big, bad on fps for low-end PCs
  • t1_rail: useless for ffa, too big, novelty map only
  • ffa2: done to death and people hate it
  • ffa4: see ffa2!
So I chose to drop in ffa5 for a bit of novelty.
The hours of a day have absolutely no connection what-so-ever with the number of maps on the cycle, this is due to several factors - maps are often loaded by Arbi's, Masters can skip maps, if no-one is on or the scores are even the map will run past its 90 minutes. We've had as many 21 maps on cycle, and for not a few years, just 1 map. The cycle is to keep it playable and interesting enough without admin assistance.

This doesn't mean I can't throw a rail or danger in there, I just did the minimal change to keep it playable whilst removing duel6 from the cycle.
 #134659  by John
since you brought up danger and wedge, is it possible to have versions witnout the vehicle spawns as those are usually turned to laming purposes?
 #134660  by Yama
Is ffa5 taspir I love taspir!

Remember that if you add a map to the rotation, you need to replace other. By other side, you would need to make the day have 25.5 hours instead of 24 :P

 #134666  by jawfin
John wrote:
since you brought up danger and wedge, is it possible to have versions witnout the vehicle spawns as those are usually turned to laming purposes?
Nah, can't be done. The map is hijacked and the entities inserted against the name of the map - it could be done with server FTP renaming the .pk3's and restarting the server - which is why they aren't on rotation. Its on the same consideration as an Emp/Merc war - certainly has possibilities for laming, but council/arbi has to be on to make it possible in the first place, so they are running it just as they would danger or wedge.
 #135219  by deathscyth
so how about hoth a few people on KR today were asking if we could add it i think itd be awesome
 #135220  by Rogue
That was good question Deathscyth, I has noticed some of people want hoth, but the back in the mind, we do not have that map to be mapped, like setting up a spawnpoints to prevent from telefragged in one same spot, and there are too many snowtroopers which likely will cause crashed to the server, those singleplayer maps of hoth2 and hoth3 are too big, I am not sure what is the arbiters and councils thought of that idea ? I am not sure about ctf hoth map either.

From what I know from ctf hoth is that they have a blue and red teams, and they have a spawnpoints that are scattered, it seems a good maps, but I am not sure what they will say about it.
 #135221  by John
Which hoth are you talking about? There are 2 single player hoth maps, 1 siege map, 1 ctf map, and one duel map.
 #135222  by Yama
hey we got Taspir I'm sweet. I love that map.