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 #134182  by Yama
We were all talking in server today about possibly adding a map to rotation.(rogue Lina Jack kenjiro) some ideas were


Would like to start a bit of discussion around it and maybe vote a new map on? I realize changing rotation can be quite painful but thought it was time for some newness? Thoughts folks?
 #134183  by Thunderbird
t1_rail, Really? :O Crazy Idea!

The others are cool too. Though T3_rift lowers fps on the main bridge. Possibly the same for t2_wedge.

Never liked ffa1 for sure.
 #134184  by Clank
t1_danger - is okay
Wedge - is too laggy for most people
t3_rift - I dont know if its just me, but after playing on it once or twice I always find it super boring to play on
t1_rail - kinda an unorthodox map (idk if thats the word im looking for) problem with this is it really isnt a mp map. Mostly small crammed areas etc. I cant think of any big and open enough area to do a normal ffa (+ without having to move a long distance). And idk why, but I can sense a lot of lames happening there (people getting knocked off the train)

but yea thats my 2 cents
 #134185  by Yama
PSst not my suggestion don't even know what t1_rail is.
 #134186  by John
As far as I kmow we don't have a t1 rail ready for mp yet
 #134187  by Falcon
Screenshot of t1_rail (if it helps refresh anyone's memory):


I agree with Clank on that one. It's fun for screwing around with friends not but a very good MP map.
 #134192  by MasterM
I'm not a fan of rift and I can see rail running into some issues, but the others I'd be ok with. Danger used to be on the rotation for a long time
 #134295  by jawfin
t1_rail is ready for MP and can be loaded. I put all the spawn points close enough, and there's a hidden jetpack (of course).

Even still, I love all those maps, but some are not FPS friendly, and the others are for mucking around and don't suit FFA. But, at any time the players on server want a special map loaded, get me on Skype - it only takes a second for me to load a map. Please confirm that the majority of players on server want this, don't abuse it (or me)!
 #134322  by Rogue
Taspir (duel map)
 #134386  by Jack Skywalker
I think our rotation is VERY good as it is. But it can be better with a little change. We have seen players saying that don't like some maps, because of fps (those who don't have the best computer of the game) or because of the map environment (those who think the map is boring). Of course we have opinions and opinions, and in the end the map that is less liked is "duel6" map (Yavin): most of the times I go there I see someone asking for map change, with both "fps" and "boring" arguments. So, if we are going to add a new cool map (t1_danger please :wink: ), it could replace that map. Of course all the maps will have someone to don't like them, but I think duel6 is the better choice to a replacement when we are talking about cool maps like t1_danger (that I think is too much better than duel6). So, what do you think about replace duel6 with t1_danger and (in my opinion) let our rotation perfect?
----- I request everybody's attention for this post :P -----
 #134387  by Gollum
Personally I'd rather replace duel6 with t1_rail, it's fun being able to duel on a map where you've gotta pay attention to not fall off of a train.
 #134388  by Zaluk
Gollum wrote:Personally I'd rather replace duel6 with t1_rail, it's fun being able to duel on a map where you've gotta pay attention to not fall off of a train.
 #134390  by Difionex
The train? Lol it reminded me of something in a WoW raid. My friend pressed the button and the train started moving. So he pretty much went ahead without me and I had to wait 2 mins for the train >.>

Also why not just ask the people on the server about the map rotation and their ideas?
 #134392  by John
I was messing around on t1 rail today in kr2 and holy crap that map is long. Takes forever to get across even with grapple. It would be a fun map every once in a while but i don't think it would be popular on regular rotation.
 #134396  by Zaluk
Jack Skywalker wrote:@Gollum
But what do you think about my idea?
 #134397  by Gollum
Zaluk wrote:
Jack Skywalker wrote:@Gollum
But what do you think about my idea?

aaaaaaaand back on topic
 #134434  by Jack Skywalker
I don't think t1_rail is a good idea, some players were leaving the server when we changed to that map (including me). As I said, every map has lovers and haters. We just need to make the right decision to keep our rotation as most of the players like...
Zaluk wrote:
Jack Skywalker wrote:@Gollum
But what do you think about my idea?
So it seems like you don't like ffa3 and kor2 too... don't worry, the sand won't get to you.
And... hey, do you remember what Anakin said after that? He said something like "but I like the sand that we have here". So not a valid argument :P
Maybe we can ask our mappers to put Naboo sand in t1_danger. I know you would like it :P
 #134439  by Zaluk
Jack Skywalker wrote: So it seems like you don't like ffa3 and kor2 too... don't worry, the sand won't get to you.
And... hey, do you remember what Anakin said after that? He said something like "but I like the sand that we have here". So not a valid argument :P
Maybe we can ask our mappers to put Naboo sand in t1_danger. I know you would like it :P
Actually he said "Not like here. Here everything is soft and smooth." Not that it really matters. Point is, I don't like sand and I prefer Gollum's idea to yours.
 #134449  by Jack Skywalker
I got it lol
But you need more people agreeing with you, as I need more people agreeing with me.
So our only choice is:

] /amwait

...and let everybody post to know which map they want.
Remember that the point here is to know if they would like t1_danger replacing duel6, not t1_rail replacing t1_danger. And I think most of you would agree that t1_danger is better than duel6.
 #134457  by Jack Skywalker
Gollum wrote:Nobody wants a change to the rotation, so nobody's posting. It's fine as it is imo
So why there's ever someone asking for map change when it's duel6 time? Alright, I agree that you don't want a change. But what's your point in saying that nobody wants a change when we WANT a change? This is why this topic exists. Players asking for changes. Wa can't want everybody to post here, but there's a couple of people that can post here and that want a change. This discution is getting boring and out of the topic purpose, let's stop this and stay on topic :wink: It's just come here and post your opinion about my idea, not to say that nobody wants a change and such things. We don't need to stay here saying "this map is better" "no, this is better" "no, this is the best" "no, mine is the best" forever. You have already told your opinion, now let's give space to the others to say their opinions. :arrow: