Who's gone up and who's gone down?
 #134193  by Fazz
Defeatedz has passed his jedi trial. :) Keep up the good work!

Congrats :)
 #134194  by EvilTree
Congrats Defeatedz! :D
 #134202  by MasterM
 #134203  by Jr.
congrats, Defeats!! =)
 #134205  by Key
gj, defZ
 #134216  by Wolferion
Congratulations =)
 #134219  by Ted
Thanks guys! <3
 #134259  by Ted
Oh very nice! thank you very much master ;)
 #134401  by Jawa
Congrats defeat n1!
 #134406  by Rogue
Congratulation Defeatedz, you has defeated and passed the trial :)
 #134424  by Ted
Thanks guys :)