Who's gone up and who's gone down?
 #132164  by Zabuza
Guardian has demoted himself to the rank of Student in order to pursue the staff saber. We wish you luck in your endeavor.

@Guardian and @Wolferion. Please create a topic in Rosters to make your marriage legit.
 #132169  by Guardian
Haha thank you! and thank you so much to DS and everyone who helped me train in duals! Ur efforts have not been wasted for I will be taking duals as my second saber when I can :) but I've wanted to be a staffer for kr since I joined and I think this will be a great learning experience and the best way to achieve that goal :) thanks again!
 #132208  by Alucard*
Goodluck with this Guardian,

I think it was a good idea.
