Anything you wanna add to this crazy world? Put in here!
 #131953  by Akimoto
I have been working on a secret "little" project for quite some time and I am finally ready to talk about it (preparation)! I hope you will share your thoughts and impressions you have. Criticism and feedback will be heavily appreciated, as any response will help motivate me to stay on my path!

What project you ask?

A game project!

My vision is simple. A free for all open world game where you can do anything from working as a police officer to growing crops of Cannabis and sell it illegally (duh) to the black marked, or to other players that want to use it to make use of their "Chemistry" skills for other purposes (drugs).

There will be plots of land (empty and with buildings) that you can buy or rent (buying is much more expensive, so renting is a good option until you get hold of enough money to buy a permanent residence). In the early stages there will not be any option to create your own home - but there will be in the future once I get that far.

Because this will be a top-down 2D game, it will be no trouble in allowing players to build their own little bases / residences / villas / whatever - which I am looking very much forward too!! This functionality will probably be implemented after the "base game" is ready for testing.

NPC Stores! You will be able to buy furniture for your home. Buy cooking equipment! Or perhaps a chemistry set for... educational purposes, of course. Want to grow a garden? Why not! Buy a Pot and dig up some dirt! You will be able to get water from the spring (assuming you have access to a sink somewhere, or a lake) to water them.
Want to buy guns? Well, too bad. Guns will probably be very limiting to prevent people from "laming" (JKA term, anyone? :) ).

You will be able to craft. Be it weapons, furniture, drugs (for "medical purposes", of course) and more. The goal is to make pretty much everything craftable (a few exceptions like "Canned Beans" and so on, but you know where I am going with this!). Most will be purchasable as well - however you will not regret learning to craft yourself!

You will be able to rent a storefront and make your own store, selling the items of your choice. Any and every item in the game will be sell-able. Of course, if you start selling cannabis seeds and whatnot - watch out for whomever is working for the police!

Speaking of the police, there will be jobs! Plenty of jobs!
To mention just a few, you can become a Police Officer! You can become a fireman, and stop those pesky individuals that buy a lighter and starts fire in your home! Call the cops and the fire men to stop the villain and, of course, put out the fire. Got wood? Work as a Lumberjack and chop those timbers! Chop your leg off and become a pirate! (No, not really)

Cops will get paid extra if they are able to apprehend the perp without killing him (hand cuffs). The firemen will get some extra cash every time they put out a fire!

Want to become a chef and make your own bakery? Sure, why not! There will be cooking!
There will be cake!

It will be heavily based on customization. Because we live in a day and age where our computers are super-awesome, we can let it out and give players the power to create their own hats and upload it to the server! (16x16 pixels so far - in the future it might increase, we'll see!)

There will be skills and attributes that will enhance your performance - be it fishing, swimming or driving. Yes, I said driving! There will be vehicles! Have someone you hate? Why not drive him/her over with the "Hydra"! A cool looking car that doesn't even exist yet! It will probably be blue. Just make sure there are no witnesses.

Want to get inside someones home? Got several paper clips? Try to pick the lock! (It won't be easy!)
Or, if you got the skills for it - use a Lock Pick and get it done faster! (Still won't be easy, but it will be easier!)

The game is very dependent on players RPing - so I will have to look into some sort of "vote kick" system, to discourage people from breaking the server rules. Server rules will depend on individual servers. In some servers, PVP might be disabled all together - in others, there might be Anarchy because there are no one enforcing the town rules! Whatever you like, to have a relaxing RP or to raid your ugly neighbors; there will be a server for you!

First Floor and Second Floor images included - to give you an idea of how it "might" look. There will be fog of war to prevent people from seeing inside your house. MIGHT not be any fog of war in public properties (government buildings and so on) - work in progress!

First Floor:
Second Floor:

What do you think of this so far? Concerns? Suggestions? :)
 #131970  by Akimoto
Animation Testing:
Simple Key System Testing:
Cursor Graphics Test:
Edge Clipping is FIXED!!: (2 hours just figuring this out!)
The foundation of an inventory (shortcut item bar):
Last edited by Akimoto on Mon Mar 30, 2015 2:21 am, edited 1 time in total.
 #131976  by jawfin
Whilst I cannot condone the choice of game, the themes and such, it's looking good. Only one positive comment I have is make sure it'll run on Android (or very worst case iPhone) if you intend to make any money out of it.
 #131983  by Akimoto
Jawfin wrote:Whilst I cannot condone the choice of game, the themes and such, it's looking good. Only one positive comment I have is make sure it'll run on Android (or very worst case iPhone) if you intend to make any money out of it.
I have no intentions of taking money for it - at least not this game. This is for fun and for the learning experience. If it gets popular I might make a sequel, haha :) I must become better at this before I can even consider making a buck ><

Anyhow; inventory system is close at hand! ... GDD1XP1k7C

After I have managed to create weapons and an usable bug-free inventory system, I will implement multiplayer functionality and beat the living out of a few friends of mine in PvP combat!! (I will have to record the event for the history books) Hehe :)
 #132021  by Akimoto
Today I will be working a bit on the HUD and if I have time; inventory bag and shortcut. :)

HUD v1.0
I will later on add an ingame clock with night/day cycles - but that will happen late in the development, as there is much work to do before that.

Managed to get the basic inventory bag to work perfectly! Next up is to make it and the inventory bar usable for shortcuts - so we can press 1 -> 9 to do stuff! As well as implementing the ability to be able to drop any and every item by dragging it out of the bag..!
 #132056  by Akimoto
Looking for background music (Royalty Free / No copyrighted) for Project TaO. ... TgfRf_hs78

If anyone know of good royalty free music like this, please send them my way!

Managed to get the player to face the cursor (was more difficult than expected);

I want to finish the inventory system before moving on towards creating usable weapons that you can fire with ammunition and so on.
 #132205  by Akimoto

Houses and buildings with multiple floors!
When we enter the door (assuming its unlocked) the roof disappears and we can go up and down the floors that are inside.
I might attempt working on an elivator script and GUI that allows us to have 999 floors (ok, maybe not 999) that will make it easier and faster to traverse.
I will of course have to make some animations and whatnot in the elevator :)

Here is a 40 second video clip of it in action. ... C&index=10

Worth mentioning that you will NOT be able to see neighboring buildings when inside - that would be silly :)
... although I might implement windows and raycasting (visibility on sight) from the outside when near windows - but that is not a high priority at the moment.
 #132206  by Difionex
Ya should add forests,campfires,tents,weather,day/night time =D
 #132207  by Akimoto
It's in my list of things to do - Tents and campfires are very low on the priority list, but I'll make sure to add them to the item list :P

Currently working on multiplayer functionality! It's a hassle - there is a lot I have to learn and get familiar with :)
Optimally I want a dedicated server version of the game - and a client. Anti-cheat protection will also be implemented whenever I get so far :)
 #132432  by Akimoto
I am still working on this. This is put on pause until I am done with my exam work. In the summer, I expect to have a working multiplayer pre-alpha game with PvP :D