Anything you wanna add to this crazy world? Put in here!
 #128638  by HolyWarrior
Here is a link i found i was doing research cuz i wanted to know if any developer considered making a new series.

It won't be long til that film comes out released may boost the franchise to build another series. However i do know DICE is making Battlefront at least. Should be fun.

link ... -knight-3/

Check out the Jedi Knight Series logo. I liked it. Too bad they cancelled it.
 #128797  by quickflint
I like how there are 4 different games that have something to do with a Jedi following his own rules in jedi rouge, jedi rebel, rebel jedi, and jedi outlaw lol.

Also PSA: Raven Soft a company owned by Activision made JKA. It was not ID and it was not Lucas Arts. Raven used Lucas property and Id's quake 3 engine but beyond that Raven made the game alone.
 #128811  by Key
John wrote:
Key wrote:don't even want to talk about 1313, that's a sore subject for me
Looked like a sweet game. Instead we got this game.

Also, you can youtube search for game play footage from that darth maul game.

That hurt me deeply.

Also, @HW, I'm sure there will be a plethora of Star Wars games coming out across a whole multitude of platforms once the new movie comes around.