Anything you wanna add to this crazy world? Put in here!
 #128296  by Key
So ESA landed a probe onto a comet yesterday. Here are some facts if you don't want to read the article I provided below:
  • -ESA stands for European Space Agency
  • -Probe's name was "Philae", it was ejected from the mothership, "Rosetta", named after the Rosetta Stone.
  • -Comet's name was 67P, around 310 million miles from Earth.
  • -First probe to rendezvous with a comet's orbit and first anything to actually LAND on a comet.
  • -Philae was launched 10 years ago, and traveled 6.4 billion miles.
  • -67P has a very low gravity and is only 2.5 miles in diameter.
  • -Philae will measure various things like thermal conditions as well as density from the comet's surface.

Here's the source if you want to read the full thing, very interesting: ... index.html
 #128297  by Falcon
For those of you who aren't in to this kind of thing, this is a very exciting event for space exploration. Love this :D
 #128301  by Jato
Falcon wrote:For those of you who aren't in to this kind of thing, this is a very exciting event for space exploration. Love this :D
Im ready to go conquer a comet/planet, whos coming with?
 #128397  by MasterM
All the conspiracy nuts are saying that the comet is actually an alien spaceship that Rosetta/Philae went to investigate.
 #128398  by jawfin
Bah, everyone knows the comet is man-made and the landing shuttle is alien, and we finally caught it!
 #128416  by Ka'Taliq
This is pretty cool stuff :D
The images are pretty cool too
 #128422  by Lothar
Jawfin wrote:Bah, everyone knows the comet is man-made and the landing shuttle is alien, and we finally caught it!
Your not cleared to reveal this information >:-(

 #128458  by MasterM
I think it's sorta hilarious that the mission was partially derailed because they accidentally landed in the shade
 #128472  by StarHunter
Jato wrote:
Falcon wrote:For those of you who aren't in to this kind of thing, this is a very exciting event for space exploration. Love this :D
Im ready to go conquer a comet/planet, whos coming with?