Who's at what rank?
 #126421  by Rogue
I'm using single saber as my main saber, Can Sakito be my master ?
 #126422  by Sakito
I can take you yes since I have 2 slots, but first things first.

Knights get first dibs at these.

Remember knights, you need this to get Guardian.
This is your opportunity now. I'll do the usual few day wait and if no one speaks up, I'm taking him.

Short Words: Speak up now or forever hold your peace!

 #126511  by Dopie
Ahh, to be trained by the mighty Sakito :)!

The Master/Apprentice system looks very interesting, good luck on obtaining your Master, Rogue.
 #126513  by Zabuza

Get to work!
 #126520  by Mandalorian
Rouge The Bat being trained by Sockquetoe. There goes Jato's death record being broken.
 #126526  by jawfin
Fun? Its not supposed to be fun. It's supposed to be degrading, painful and embarrassing. After all, we are a family ;)
 #128072  by Jato
Mandalorian wrote:Rouge The Bat being trained by Sockquetoe. There goes Jato's death record being broken.
Pls ive held that record for years