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 #122181  by Falcon
The KR clan hath voted Ka'Taliq into the family!!

Taliq if you could please check your PM box and this here when you get a chance I'd greatly appreciate it :)

Everyone please welcome our newest member!
 #122186  by Ka'Taliq
Oh my god! Thank you so much!!! >.< I'm like, completely stoked right now.

Thanks for accepting me into KR. It's an honour to be here. I'm currently a little bit under the weather, and there is nothing like good news to help uplift the spirit! Thanks again, and I hope to have a long, prosperous relationship with you all!
 #122187  by Difionex
Gollum wrote:Nub onion beat me to it. /quit

gz (:
Nice try Gandalf. You got beaten by onion again. :wink:
 #122188  by Zaluk
 #122191  by MasterM
 #122192  by Sky
Welcome Ka'Taliq!
 #122193  by Mandalorian
Since it is custom for me to award nicknames to all whom I can, you shall be known as Tal'Rasha. (Reference to the Pharaoh who had imprisoned the Devil's brother into his soul).
 #122195  by Sakito
Congratz and welcome to KR =^_^=
 #122197  by Fallen
-raise the roof- uh uh
 #122201  by Jato
 #122203  by Key
congratulations :) complete your skin and I can include it in our clan's skin pack! Just get it done before the 20th.
 #122209  by Mandalorian
Key wrote:congratulations :) complete your skin and I can include it in our clan's skin pack! Just get it done before the 20th.
Key doesn't like you for who are. He only likes you for your pants.
 #122211  by Ka'Taliq
Mandalorian wrote:
Key wrote:congratulations :) complete your skin and I can include it in our clan's skin pack! Just get it done before the 20th.
Key doesn't like you for who are. He only likes you for your pants.
My pants are pretty awesome, so I don't blame him. xD

But yeah, cheers again everyone for the warm welcome!
 #122225  by Uscari
Gratz dude I look forward to sharing tags with ya :)
 #122242  by Jato
Yay! Welcome!