The Latest KR News on the Planet can be found here.
 #121949  by Zabuza
Let's all give a warm welcome to CoOco, our newest KR Member! :)

Please take the time to read the welcome PM that I have sent.

Again, welcome! :0

(hopefully none of you saw my epic fail!)
 #121954  by Ka'Taliq
Grats Cooco! :D
 #121958  by MasterM
Congrats and welcome
 #121964  by Jato
Congrats!! Welcome to the team!
 #121974  by Sakito
Congratz and welcome to the clan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(≧∇≦)☆〜(ゝ。∂)
 #121979  by CoOco
I can hardly believe it :o. I am currently first woke up and the first thing I did was to look on the website if there is something new and then such a great message to get incredible! I hope we will continue to have quite a lot of fun together :). again thank you very much
 #122010  by Clank
Good to have you
 #122068  by CoOco
thaaaank u very much guys I'm glad I did it :)))... so happyyyy cooco hehehe...

Fallen wrote: YES GDI. i <3 u

CoOco wrote: :D sooo cute <3 u too haha
 #122168  by Uscari
Wow I haven't written here yet, lol welcome to the KRaziness :mrgreen:
 #122688  by AJ
Concrabulatorz Coacoa