Who's gone up and who's gone down?
 #121862  by John
MrNebula117's Knights Trial

Trialer: John
Assistant: Jawa


1. Lost
2. Lost
3. Won
4. Lost
5. Lost


1. Won(John)
2. Won(Jawa)
3. Lost
4. Lost
5. Lost
6. Won
7. Won
8. Lost
9. Won
10. Won

Final result: Won 6/10 (1 vs 1) & Won 1/5 (2 vs 1)

Status: Passed

Congratulations to MrNebula117 our newest Knight and Philosopher our newest Guardian!

~Roster updated~
 #121866  by Jawa
Nice work Nebs nicely done Congrats to you and Phil <:
 #121868  by MrNebula117
Well its about time that kid got this far! Think i'd like to say, thanks phily for being such a great master, even through the ups and downs. I hope to do you proud! And thanks to everyone who told me i was good, really kept me going, now i can say myself, damn right im good! and grat phil :D
 #121869  by Sakito
Great job neb!! Knew you can do it. =^_^=
 #121877  by Jato
 #121999  by Uscari
I cant express in words how proud and happy I am to have had the privaledge of dedicating my time and effort to teach someone as dedicated and kind and reflective of the reasons I spent 5 months getting into KR as Neb. Ive seen so many friendly faces leave recently and its been really affecting me. But seeing Neb make it (as I was certain he would) has reminded me why I love wearing tags and to have him as my first padawan was a enlightening and... fun experience xD. If anything ive seen in Neb while training him and getting to know him over the past 6 months is of any indication of his future as a teacher, than I have no doubt that his success will rub off his paddies. Gratz buddy :)
 #122093  by Raison
goodjob bro :P lol
 #122131  by Falcon
Congratulations :)

~Stuff dun~