Well guys the time has come sadly. I had decided about a month ago that I needed to quit KR. Its not the same as it used to be. I do not feel I really quite belong since I was never a fan of the gaming world ... I am not sure I really fit in. I also have spent way to much time playing. I have been addicted to it ... Neglecting the important things in my life. I no longer can waste time sitting around playing a video game. As I have told many of you before, real life comes first in my book. I am still quite sad to leave. I have come to love and get to know so many of you, I love you as if we were friends in real life. I will never forget any of you ... But for now I must go .... Creed I am so sorry to leave before my trial. I tried my friend,I really did. Im just not cut out for the gaming world. I have never been good enough. I dont know why I was invited so many times .... I am sorry I couldnt take my trial before I left .. I waited as long as I could. Now real life problems have occured and I no longer can take the trial. I am so sorry
I wish it didnt have to end this way. I love you all very much and will never forget this past year I have been playing. Many hours were spent laughing along with you. I hope this is not a forever goodbye<3