Got a problem with our admins? Please feel free to express here!
 #121541  by TinLeaf
So, a user using variations of the name "Barsian" (usually coloured yellow font) was being generally disrespectful and eventually started laming myself and another player. When I told him I'd be reporting him, I was banned about 5 seconds after his responding "lol" and at no point did I receive a slap, warning, silence, sleep, etc. Moreso, this user was NOT using KR tags, and as far as I could tell there were no KR members present unless operating through the server's admin tools. I cannot confirm, but suspect you've got someone with moderator access on your public FFA server who is not following any sort of KR protocol and is abusing said access. I hope this will be investigated and resolved. ~TinLeaf
 #121550  by Jato
Sounds odd! A council member will most likely shed light on the info as soon as they can! Sorry about that!
 #121565  by jawfin
say: ^2T^7in^2L^7eaf: Enjoy your report.
say: ^3P^7rophet^3.B^7arsian^3.: lol
say: Ser Zelios The Timeless: Prophet, people like you ruin communities, just putting it out dere
say: ^3P^7rophet^3.B^7arsian^3.: lamed
say: ^2T^7in^2L^7eaf: Stay the hell off me.
say: ^3P^7rophet^3.B^7arsian^3.: scared to duel?
SERVER: The autoQUIT tells to make the server QUIT. YOur autoRestart script should restart it. If you don't have an autorestart script you can disallow this=> seta jp_autoQUIT no

I found your hacker. The server rebooted. It hacked everyone :o YOU WERE ALL BANNED FOR 1 MINUTE (something to do with the server not having power I suspect). And it only took me 30 minutes to find this too - next time I am sooooo much asking for screenshots before I go looking....
 #121571  by TinLeaf
Thank you for your time and effort. I'm sorry I could not have made the job easier by providing more information. Also, I'm not sure if this post is in the correct location, so apologies for the clutter. Again, very appreciative that you resolved this. ~TinLeaf